Burbot is the only freshwater fish of the cod family. For burbot, autumn and winter are the most fertile times, unlike other fish. The worse the weather for other fish, the better for burbot. In the northern rivers of Russia, where conditions are more favorable for them, burbots there sometimes reach a meter length with a weight of 15-20 kg. Consider this when planning your fishing spot.

It is necessary
- Ice tackle
- Live bait or nozzles
- Warm clothing
- Ice screw
Step 1
First you need to choose a place for fishing, taking into account the bottom relief. Burbot is considered a cold-loving fish and lives in the immediate vicinity of the bottom. As soon as deep places are found, holes need to be drilled there.
Step 2
If the fishing spots are permanent, and the burbot has been standing there long enough, it makes sense to feed the holes for more successful fishing. Since burbot is a predatory fish, any animal products can attract it to the place of fishing: slaughterhouse waste, intestines and meat of beaten poultry, bovine blood.
Step 3
After drilling holes, you need to collect tackle for catching burbot. If you choose the method of fishing with trolling, then you need to take into account that the fish prefers lures of silver color and with a metallic ringing. Burbot is very fond of the sound of the spinner parts hitting each other, a kind of rattling. If live bait is available, then you need to equip the hook with a gudgeon or a ruff. This is a favorite food of burbot, because gudgeon and ruff live in the same bottom word with burbot.
Step 4
Burbot will flash at a distance of 12-20 cm from the bottom, according to the classic scenario: ascent of the spoon, release, pause and again ascent. It is advisable that the spoon strikes slightly along the bottom and picks up a cloud of turbidity. This also attracts fish. Large burbots practically do not rise from the bottom, so you need to play with a spoon near the ground.
Step 5
After the bite has occurred (in this case, the nod is slightly displaced, and there is a feeling that the tackle has caught on to the algae), playing begins. Due to the fact that the burbot is a bottom fish, at the slightest danger, it seeks to hide in a hole, so you need to pull it out persistently, but carefully.