Mushrooms can be bought in the store both raw and pickled. But is it possible to compare purchased mushrooms and self-picked in the morning forest? On a "quiet hunt" you will breathe fresh air and immediately lose a couple of extra pounds. After all, to get a basket full of good mushrooms, you need to work hard.

It is necessary
- Basket
- Backpack
- Cap with visor
- Thermos with hot tea and dry rations
- Knife and scissors
- Stick
- First aid kit
- Mushroom Picker Handbook
- Compass
- Raincoat
Step 1
Go for mushrooms no later than 7:00. Otherwise, you will not get real pleasure from the morning forest. In addition, there is still a lot of moisture in the air - mushrooms will be juicier and tastier. Surely, a team of mushroom pickers is already wandering in the same forest, and during the day you will not have time to clean up all the "hot spots". Mushroom hunting is a gamble. But you still need to have time to eat and master the way back.
Step 2
Buy a mushroom picker guide. Before going into the forest, you must carefully familiarize yourself with all types of mushrooms, the place and time of their growth. It makes no sense to go for mushrooms in dry times. Go to the forest no later than a couple of days after warm rains. It is better to go for mushrooms, starting from the end of warm April and from the beginning of May, you can take the first excursion into the forest for morels and lines. In June, it is already possible to collect meadow mushrooms and champignons. In July, there will be waves, russula, boletus, boletus, boletus, boletus. The most mushroom time is August and September. Milk mushrooms and mushrooms, mushrooms placers will appear. Until the end of October, you can collect mushrooms and long families of rows.
Step 3
Get ready to pick mushrooms in advance so you don't forget anything. You need to bring a handy basket. Do not take a bucket or plastic bag - no air circulates in them, and the mushrooms will lose some of their nutritional properties. You also need to take a knife with you (preferably a folding one so you can put it in your pocket or backpack pocket and not get hurt). Thin mushroom legs (meadow mushrooms, talkers, etc.) are more convenient to cut with scissors. Put dry rations in your backpack, a thermos with hot tea (in the fresh air you will quickly get hungry!). Take the SMALL MEDICAL KIT. It should contain insect bites and accidental cuts and scratches (iodine, cotton wool, bandage, plaster). Put a raincoat in your backpack just in case. The best headgear for a mushroom picker is a cap with a large visor that will save your face from cobwebs and forest debris. If you're a beginner, take a list of edible and inedible mushrooms with you with nice, clear photos. And a compass - suddenly get lost.
Step 4
Follow the rules for picking mushrooms - mistakes can be fatal. The main rule of the mushroom picker: if you doubt - don't take it! You can get poisoned with the following mushrooms:
• Poisonous, especially the pale toadstool and fly agaric (study their external signs in the reference book).
• Conditionally edible (morels, milk mushrooms, rubella, etc.), which must first be soaked, boiled or salted. It is important to cook them correctly!
• Edible mushrooms, if they grow near highways or are already wormy, too soft and old. Do not take a mushroom lying around a hemp cut by someone who does not know when - poisonous decay products could already appear in it.
Step 5
Find the mushroom and carefully cut it in half or pull it out with a twisting motion. Cover the hole under it with moss or earth to prevent the mycelium from drying out. Immediately clean the cap of adhering leaves, blades of grass and dirt. First put hard mushrooms (white mushrooms, mushrooms, boletus) in a basket, then more fragile ones (such as russula).
Step 6
Find yourself a comfortable stick in the forest - you will use it to push the branches, knock down the cobwebs and carefully tear the leaves around the suspicious bump. But do not spread or turn the wet bedding. There is no need to violate the ecological system established in the forest. You yourself will come to this forest more than once and pick up a single basket of mushrooms.