Why Do Mushrooms Dream?

Why Do Mushrooms Dream?
Why Do Mushrooms Dream?

According to psychologists, the brain of a sleeping person processes the information received during the day. However, sometimes the images that come in a dream cannot be connected with any events that happened in reality. Perhaps these are the very ones - prophetic dreams.

Why do mushrooms dream?
Why do mushrooms dream?

Different mushrooms - different meanings of dreams

Mushrooms are known to be edible and poisonous. Depending on what kind of mushroom you dreamed about, you can draw the first conclusions. Since ancient times, fly agarics and pale toadstools in the folklore of different peoples have been symbols of caution and suspicion - after all, it was from them that witches brewed their potions, sending damage to people. If in a dream a person tried to collect obviously poisonous mushrooms, this may indicate that he needs to be more careful.

On the contrary, if you dream of strong and beautiful edible mushrooms, for example, porcini, you can regard this dream as a good sign - they mean strength and wisdom. There are many ancient fairy tales and legends in which a porcini mushroom or a lump turned out to be a completely positive character - a kind wizard or spirit guarding the forest and helping people. Having met such a mushroom in a dream, you can expect good luck and well-being in the near future.

A basket or a bucket filled with mushrooms can be a harbinger that a person will face unfounded suspicions about himself.

Mushrooms are not the only thing that matters

It is also worth paying attention to other details of the dream in which the mushroom was seen. This can be interpreted quite simply: if, for example, the surrounding forest was light, the trees in it are even and beautiful, undoubtedly the meaning of sleep is favorable. However, seen in a dream snow-covered with a windbreak or dried branches of old spruce trees may be a warning - the situation is currently not the most successful, it is better to wait out this time.

An empty meadow, on which a more successful mushroom picker collected all the mushrooms a little earlier, may mean a certain chance missed due to excessive suspicion and indecision.

Mushrooms seen in non-standard situations, for example, in an office or on a busy metropolis street, may mean some unexpected coincidence. More specifically, you can interpret a dream by evaluating a mushroom. As already mentioned, a poisonous mushroom can mean the cunning of someone from the inner circle, and a useful one can mean good advice or a good decision, a way out of any difficult situation.

Mushroom soup is not the best dream for a young woman

Some rather popular interpreters of dreams negatively interpret the "mushroom" dreams seen by women. For example, if a young and unmarried woman dreamed that she was eating a mushroom dish, you should expect something out of the ordinary. According to one of the European dream books, it is possible that she will suddenly be seized by strong but unreasonable desires. According to another interpreter, an unmarried woman in this case faces deep humiliation, as well as the risk of being drawn into a shameful relationship. Young ladies are also warned that they may face neglect from a man, at the risk of losing their own dignity in pursuit of dubious pleasures.
