Sigmund Freud explains the dreaming pear in his usual manner. According to his dream book, a pear is the personification of an attractive and nude female figure. To see her in a dream means to meet in reality an unusual and sexy woman. Curiously, this interpretation applies to both men and women. To complete the picture, you should look at other dream books.

Why do pears dream? General interpretation
Most commentators are sure that pears in a dream are a sign of a fun and healthy life. This is understandable: a pear is a rather juicy, sweet and healthy fruit. Unfavorable dreams are those in which the fruits are spoiled. If you dream of a beautiful and flowering tree called a pear, then life will open up quite interesting and promising prospects for the dreamer.
Miller's dream book: what did the pear dream about?
According to the interpretations of Gustav Miller, to eat pear fruits in a dream means to suffer a small fiasco in life. Perhaps the success in business, which the dreamer very much hoped for, will not be so significant. If the dreamer enjoys the juicy and ripe fruits of a pear, which he plucked from a tall tree, then pleasant prospects are coming in his life. It is possible that fate will be more loyal to the dreamer.
Collecting pears in a dream is a good sign. For the disappointment that has recently befell the dreamer, certain joyful events will surely come. Seeing dreams associated with the preparation of certain drinks from pears is a philosophical attitude towards life. For example, cooking pear compote means learning to perceive various life troubles philosophically. If the dreamer bakes or dries pears, then in the future he will have an unhappy marriage that ends in divorce.
Intimate dream book: pear
If you dreamed about dried pears, then boredom is coming in a relationship with your loved one. It is possible that partners are no longer drawn to each other, and the most optimal way out of this situation is to voluntarily leave. If the dreamer sees how he collects beautiful and ripe pear fruits from the ground, then in the future he may meet a beautiful and pleasant girl who will give him sincere love and affection.
Why is a pear dreaming about an old English dream book?
The compilers of this dream book are sure that a pear in a dream is a harbinger of wealth and monetary profit. It is possible that career advancement or an increase in the dreamer's social status is also possible. If a young girl dreamed of a pear, then in the future she will have a successful marriage: she will meet a rich and influential person who provides her with a happy and luxurious life.
I dreamed about a pear. Dream interpretation Hasse
There is a pear in a dream - to the loss of trust on the part of an influential and revered person by the dreamer. To dream of a pear tree, the fruits of which are pleasing to the eye, is a harmonious and happy family life. If you shake a fruit tree in a dream and watch the pears fall to the ground, you will earn respect from colleagues and acquaintances.