The personal life of the stars excites fans no less than their work. Viewers are interested in knowing what their favorite artist eats, where he rests. And if the idol is not only talented, but also young, rich and handsome, then the fans monitor social networks with special diligence to find out who he is married to and what the other half of the star looks like.

Marriage with Ilya Sobolev
Ilya Sobolev is a Russian comedian, showman, blogger, presenter. He played in KVN, became popular after winning the project "Laughter without rules" on the TNT channel as part of the "Beautiful" duet. Now Ilya is a resident of the Comedy Club, hosts the Prozharka show on TNT4, and tours a lot.
Natalia Soboleva, nee Pakhomova, was born on July 11, 1985 in St. Petersburg. Natalia got married to Ilya Sobolev in September 2011. The couple has 2 daughters, Sofia and Eva.
In his speeches, Ilya repeatedly inserted jokes about his wife:
- "My wife is a chick, she has legs, lips, breasts, here's a chick. In Comedy, they sit in the front row, here at the Stand Up show they are not interested, here they have to think."
- "My wife is a heifer, so you understand how much she is: she once cooked borscht and dropped a clutch into it."
Natasha is not offended by these jokes, she was offended by only one joke of Ilya, when in one of his speeches he said: "My wife is as wide as Nevsky"
Natalia is not just the wife of a famous artist, she is a popular instablogger, she has 126 thousand subscribers who enthusiastically follow Natalia's life. On her Instagram page, she shares beauty secrets, recipes for proper nutrition and often shows off her amazing figure.
Overweight victory
During her first pregnancy, Natalya recovered greatly. Throughout her adult life, she carefully monitored her appearance and weighed consistently 56 kilograms. But as soon as she got pregnant, she relaxed, like many, and began to allow herself everything that she had deliberately refused before: fried, fatty and sweet. As a result, the wife of Ilya Sobolev arrived at the hospital with a weight of 88 kilograms. Natasha, like many pregnant women, indulged herself with the illusion that the weight would go away immediately after giving birth, but 4 days after the birth of her daughter, the scales showed only minus 4 kg.

The reflection in the mirror brought to tears, Natalya began to have complexes, it came to the point that she could not go out with her husband to a restaurant, she was embarrassed by her own appearance. And Natalia took up hard work - to regain her beauty. I started by buying rollers and starting to ride in the park with a stroller. Then hoops and dumbbells were purchased to practice at home. Added massage and Charcot shower. Later I signed up for the gym. She studied herself, without a coach, very shy of her appearance. I found exercise complexes on the Internet, studied specialized literature and made my own training plan.
As a result, Natasha's figure has become even more precise and slimmer than before her first pregnancy. In September 2015, Natalia and Ilya became the parents of their second daughter. Natalya approached the second pregnancy with the experience of previous mistakes, and in 9 months she added about 16 kilograms, which is also a lot. But they left much faster. 2 months after the appearance of the second daughter, 4-5 kilograms remained superfluous, and this without active sports, because Natalya was breastfeeding the baby.
Natasha actively promotes proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, showing by her example that you can look luxurious as a mother of two children.
Natalya Soboleva in the show "Supermom"
In February 2018, the STS channel released the Supermomochka reality project, in which Natalya Soboleva took part. She previously starred in the program "Where is the logic?", Where, together with Ilya, they played against Nadezhda Angarskaya and her husband.
The essence of the program "Supermom" is that 4 participants take turns visiting each other, evaluating thriftiness, self-realization and other qualities. In this show, Natasha opened up to the viewer from a new side. She invited her rivals to her beautiful two-storey house, showed the garden and the chicken coop, which she is engaged in, told about her lifestyle: “I clean, iron, cook, watch the children, take care of the garden. I do everything myself, Ilya does not like strangers in the house, so there are no assistants."
Natasha also told about her beauty secrets: “It is very important for me to be beautiful and well-groomed. My man is popular, he is always in the spotlight, there are always beautiful girls nearby, and this motivates me very much. I go to the gym, eat right, once a month I go to the salon for procedures for hair and nails, twice a month to a beautician."
For the competitors who came to visit, the hostess prepared for the guests a vegetable cream soup, golden trout and a salad of homemade vegetables and herbs, but this did not help to make friends with them. Natalia's lifestyle met with fierce criticism from some of them, rapper Ira spoke out especially aggressively: “Natasha looks like an ideal picture that she wants to impose on everyone. It's all out of boredom, when there is nothing, just children, just a house, just a vegetable garden."

Even the story of Natasha's transformation did not help to win the sympathy of competitors, she said that she had developed an application for losing weight, like a food diary. The application was among the leaders in downloading and brought personal income to the artist's wife, but the rivals were not impressed, continuing to talk about Natasha's dependence on her husband and her lack of fulfillment.
Natasha did not win the title of supermom, but received the highest score from the project judge - psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky, who said that she was a wonderful mother and wife and advised her to raise her self-esteem. Apparently, Natasha took his advice. She still looks gorgeous, is happily married, brings up and pampers her daughters, pleases her subscribers with beautiful photos and recipes for healthy dishes. And on March 2, 2019, she posted an intriguing post that her life has changed dramatically and she is going to study again: “Getting out of your comfort zone is a thrill. Therefore, if you think that it is time to change something, then do not delay the moment."