The work of the unique actress Alisa Freindlich is known to everyone, without exception, films with her participation are watched by many movie lovers with pleasure again and again. But little is known about Alisa Brunovna's personal life, since she is rather closed in this regard and rarely discusses such aspects with journalists.

Few of the fans of Alisa Brunovna Freundlich know that she got married three times. This fragile woman has a steely character that not every man can endure. She herself speaks of herself - unbearable, capricious, demanding both to herself and to those around her. So who are they - men who once risked becoming the husband of the great Alice Freundlich?
Personal life of actress Alisa Brunovna Freundlich
Alisa Brunovna is an actress, and an actress in the first place, and only in the second - a woman, wife and mother. She herself admits that the profession is the main component of her life, and it was her career that divorced her from her husbands. And there were three of them in Freundlich's life:
- Vladimir Karasev,
- Igor Vladimirov,
- Yuri Solovey.
From early youth, despite the fact that Alice did not possess female beauty in her classical sense, she attracted and attracted men. The girl's cuteness was deceiving - the iron character frightened the suitors, and most of them retreated already at the stage of courtship.
Alisa Brunovna was bred with her husbands by professional jealousy. She was successful, in demand, confident in herself, which embarrassed men, made them feel almost humiliated. This is exactly how one of her ex-husbands explained the divorce from the actress, and Alisa Freundlich, on reflection, agreed with this version. In fact, each of the actress's marriages has its own history and its own reason for the discord in the family.
Alisa Freundlich's first husband
Alisa Brunovna met her first husband, Vladimir Karasev, while studying at the Ostrovsky Theater Institute in Leningrad - they were fellow students. The young people decided to get married in their third year, and divorced right after the prom.
Vladimir was a real handsome man, all the girls of the course followed him, and Alice decided - it would be mine. She herself admits that it was a kind of competition, a desire to assert herself, to prove that she is not a little faceless girl, but a young, attractive woman.
It was easy to attract the attention of everyone's favorite, handsome Alisa Brunovna. She married just as easily, continuing to play her chosen role. Faced with everyday life, student disorder and other realities of life, young people became disillusioned, and not so much in each other as in family and marriage.
Remembering this marriage, Alisa Freundlich says that divorce was inevitable, and that this act of hers was a big mistake.
Alice Freundlich's second husband
The second husband of Alisa Brunovna was the theater director Igor Vladimirov. The man was 16 years older than her. For the first time he saw Alice at the Komissarzhevskaya Theater, where he was invited to stage the play. He immediately liked the girl, but a close relationship with her began much later.
In 1961, the actress became part of the troupe of the Lensovet Theater, which at that time was headed by Igor Vladimirov. It was then that their romance began, which ended with the conclusion of an official marriage.
The mature man was wise, already had the experience of married life. A few years after the wedding, Alice and Igor had a daughter, Varvara.

Disagreements in the family happened only because of work. Igor wanted his wife, even for the period of the decree, to give up her career, but she was adamant, found a nanny for her daughter and returned to the profession. The story of the same drinking nanny hired by Alisa Brunovna has become their family legend.
The family broke up after 20 years. What caused the divorce, even now, neither Alisa Brunovna nor her ex-husband can say. The actress sincerely loved her second spouse, but once, as she herself says, love ended, and there was no point in continuing to live together. Alisa Brunovna herself filed for divorce, her husband did not object to her.
Alice Freundlich's third husband
The third marriage of the actress was long enough, but not happy. Actor and artist Yuri Solovey became the spouse of Alisa Brunovna. He was talented, but his lack of proper knowledge and desire to get it prevented him from self-realization. The wife's attempts to push her husband, to help him, caused only resentment on his part.

Alisa Freundlich met Yuri at the Lensovet Theater. She was already a leading actress, and Nightingale was just trying his hand at acting. The innate talent of a lyceum requires development, and Yuri did not want to understand this and admit that he needed to study in order to stop being only "Freundlich's husband". Any success of his wife caused him anger, scandals in the family were a common fact.
Alisa Brunovna's third husband was not accepted by her relatives, including her daughter Varvara, which angered the man even more. And in this case, divorce was inevitable. Freundlich was very worried about him, even ended up in the hospital, and made a promise to herself never to connect her life with anyone else.