When you are going to draw a girl for the first time, it is better to do it with a pencil on plain thick white paper.
Here it is important to convey the character of the model and show plasticity and grace, in general, to find an image that clearly expresses your model.

Step 1
Find the right pose for your model. Angle, tilt, turn of the head, will mean a lot to create an image in a drawing. Find the most advantageous angle. You can make it easier for yourself by placing an artificial light source, highlighting the model favorably.
Start with preliminary sketches. Do them not on the main sheet, but on small additional ones. Copier sheets are fine. Feel the shape, try to catch the characteristic features of the model.
Start drawing. Start with a sheet composition. There are many options for you to choose from. However, the face should be at the top of the sheet, slightly to the left of the middle.
Sketch lightly for the head and shape. Try to catch small movements of the figure. Determine the tilt of the head, its turn, which of the shoulders is slightly higher than the other.

Step 2
Work on the girl's face. Outline the nose, mouth, eyes, ears. If you are drawing face-to-face, or three-quarters, do the actions on both sides of the face at the same time. Mark one eye, mark the other at once, and do not proceed to the mouth or nose. This will help you achieve facial symmetry more quickly.
Do not forget that a person's face is not only symmetrical, it also has a slight asymmetry. By far the easiest angle is the profile. You only see half of the face and don't have to worry about symmetry.
Follow simple rules so that the model in your drawing looks like a person at all. Parts such as the forehead, nose, mouth and chin are equal in height. If there is no tilt of the head, the eyes and ears are at the same level, and always equal. When depicting a face in front, the eye should be placed between the eyes, no more, no less.
Capture the characteristics of the girl. Look closely with a crooked nose or straight, wide cheekbones or not. Pay attention to the shape of the lips. Determine which lip is larger, upper or lower, or equal.
Pay special attention to the girl's eyes.

Step 3
Pay attention to the figure by working on it slightly. Hands, if visible, should be done carefully.
Sketch the hairstyle and tone the hair. Take into account the hair rests on the head and emphasizes its shape.
No matter how complicated the hairstyle may be, it should not distract attention from the main thing, from the face.
Lightly stroke the shadows of the face. You can also shade the background if you want. The stroke should be of the same strength and not stand out. If this happens and the background begins to distract attention from the face, wipe it lightly with bread pulp. She will remove the extra tone without spoiling the drawing.
Look at the work from afar, whether everything in it suits you, whether the drawing is similar to your model. If you are unhappy with something else, modify it, correct the deficiencies you see. Don't give up and don't stop at difficulties.
Good luck!