The animated series "The Smurfs" was so popular that they decided to make films about little blue men. A step-by-step Smurf drawing lesson will teach little fans of the animated series and the Smurfs films to draw one of the main characters.
Step 1
First sketch out the base of the head shape. Create an oval for the head, then two smaller ovals for the nose and ear.
Step 2
Now use the semi-ovals. Draw eyebrows, mouth.
Step 3
Don't forget the Smurf's hat - create a curved line with an oval at the very top.
Step 4
Create the rest of the hat lines.
Step 5
Go to the body of Smurf. Draw an oval circle for the base of the body, then add a circle for the shoulders, circles for the fingers. Add curved lines for the belly.
Step 6
Detail the Smurf's fingers.
Step 7
Continue drawing details. Draw details around to clarify the body, fill in the arms, legs, chest.
Step 8
Erase the construction lines with the eraser. It remains to decorate the Smurf with bright colors, as we all know, the Smurfs are blue. Good luck!