What Is The Film "Mousetrap" About: Release Date In Russia, Actors, Trailer

What Is The Film "Mousetrap" About: Release Date In Russia, Actors, Trailer
What Is The Film "Mousetrap" About: Release Date In Russia, Actors, Trailer

The Mousetrap is a new Spanish crime thriller about a thief trapped by his own greed. The film will be released in Russia on July 18, 2019.

What is the movie about
What is the movie about

"Mousetrap": rental

"The Mousetrap" is an Argentinean, Spanish thriller. The original name is "4x4". The film was directed by Mariano Cohn. Luis Brandoni, Dadi Brieva, Noelia Castagno, Peter Lanzani, Gustav Rodriguez starred in the crime film. The leading actors are well known in their homeland. The filmmakers relied on an excellent cast.

The world premiere of the film took place on April 4, 2019. Russian viewers will be able to see The Mousetrap only on July 18th. The preliminary date of the premiere was postponed, as the film was originally planned to be shown in cinemas in Russia on June 27.


Plot of the film

The movie "The Mousetrap" has an original plot. Despite the fact that there are few large-scale scenes in it and all the actions take place in almost the same places, watching a movie is not boring.

Ciro Bermudez has long been involved in theft. He grew up in a dysfunctional Argentine family and was constantly in need of money. Need forced him to go out and start trading in petty theft. By the age of 19, the guy had already honed his skills. It was not a problem for him to open any car parked by the road. Shiro even opened new cars with built-in security systems. He did not steal cars, but only broke down computers, stereos, took valuables from the glove compartment. To further poison the life of the owner, the protagonist of the picture could urinate in the back seat. This was his signature style.


But one day the incredible happened to him: the doors of the next car he had robbed were locked and Shiro was locked in an armored car with bulletproof and tightly tinted windows. He tried to get out, but everything was useless, since it was impossible to break the glass, and passers-by did not see or hear him. The phone turned out to be discharged. Shiro fell into despair and fear for his life appeared, but the nightmare was just beginning. Thoughts about profit completely receded and the hero had to fight for survival in the complete absence of food and water.


Reviews of the film

Thriller "Mousetrap" has already been released worldwide. Viewers and critics alike appreciated the film's true worth. There are no modern special effects in the motion picture, the director hardly used modern technologies. The Mousetrap has a fairly modest budget, but the film turned out to be very interesting. He raises one of the most pressing issues in Argentina: insecurity. Controversial and important issues are touched upon, such as ensuring order, fair justice and the fine line separating victims from attackers. In the process of watching, the viewers have conflicting feelings: from condemnation of the criminal's actions to pity and fear for his future.

The director shot the film in such a way that the viewer's attention can be captured from the very first minutes. The inimitable play of the actors deserves special attention. They managed to convey the whole gamut of feelings experienced by the heroes of the thriller. The musical accompaniment also deserves praise. Original musical compositions emphasize the importance of certain points.
