Vyacheslav Petkun's wife Julia is a successful and intelligent woman. She is the owner of her own business, but after the birth of children, making money faded into the background, and the family became the main one.

Vyacheslav Petkun and his personal life
Vyacheslav Petkun is a famous rock musician, lead singer of the "Dances minus" group. The peak of its popularity came at the end of the past and the beginning of the new centuries, but the songs of the legendary rock band are still loved. They are very simple, melodic, but at the same time carry a deep meaning. The most popular compositions were "Flowers", "Yu", "City-Fairy Tale", "Stupid Songs".
Vyacheslav Petkun played the role of Quasimodo in the musical Notre Dame de Paris. This brought him additional success and allowed him to reveal himself from a completely different side. Vyacheslav always had many fans and was credited with novels with beautiful and famous women. But few people know what actually happened in his personal life.
In 1999, the news about the romance of Vyacheslav and Zemfira became a real sensation. The musicians appeared everywhere together. And in one of the photographs, Zemfira posed in a wedding dress. But later it became known that this was just a PR action. Celebrities portrayed love for several months, and then everyone forgot about this story.
Vyacheslav Petkun met with Lolita Kochetkova, who is the daughter of the famous Taiwanchik. He had a long-term relationship with her. Information about the singer's other novels has not been officially confirmed. Despite his reputation as a conqueror of women's hearts in his personal life, Vyacheslav is conservative. He has been happily married for a long time and has already managed to become a father with many children.
Julia is the wife of a popular artist
In 2006, Vyacheslav Petkun married Julia. Very little is known about this woman. They met at one of the musical events. Julia came to him as a guest. She is not connected with the world of music, but at the time of meeting with Petkun she was quite wealthy, she was running her own business. Vyacheslav admits that he liked Julia at first sight. A spark ran between them and further the relationship began to develop rapidly.

After Julia howled in marriage, she had to push her work into the background. She could not completely abandon a successful business, but she had to hire assistants and talented managers. In 2007, the first son of Julia and Vyacheslav was born. They named him Tikhon. In 2009, the son of Luka was born. In 2011, the couple had a daughter, Catherine, and in 2015, a daughter, Tatiana.

Vyacheslav Petkun admitted in an interview that all the children were not planned, but became very desirable. Julia never thought about becoming a mother of many children, but fate decreed otherwise. The famous spouse was present at the birth of all children and even cut the umbilical cord on his own. Julia admits that they approached the birth of their daughters more consciously. It is known that the spouses store the umbilical cord blood of their children in the hemabank and urge everyone to follow their example. Julia studied a lot of information on this topic and came to the conclusion that it is imperative to save umbilical cord blood so that later you can use it if any problems arise.
Julia is raising children together with Vyacheslav. For the sake of the family, Petkun did an act worthy of respect. After the birth of his first child, he stopped making music and went into the shadows. Many at that time did not understand where the talented rock musician had disappeared. Rumors were very different, but in fact, he decided to become support and support for his wife Julia. The musician admitted that after the birth of his son, absolutely everything has changed in his life. The old values have lost their significance. I wanted to spend more time with the child and see how he grows. Only after the birth of his eldest daughter, Vyacheslav resumed active creative pursuits and even managed to record several new songs.

Many fans are surprised how Julia managed to make an exemplary family man out of Vyacheslav Petkun. He was always distinguished by a complex character, love of adventure. Julia suggested that her sincere attitude, respect for him as a man could change him. In an interview, Petkun said that all his previous romances ended because the girls loved themselves very much and did not miss a moment to flirt with other representatives of the stronger sex.

Julia turned out to be completely different. She is absolutely not a public person. She comes out only with a famous husband and always reckons with his opinion, despite her own success. Perhaps this is precisely the secret of their family happiness.
The spouses have similar views on parenting. They do not try to impose their own opinion on them, but give them the opportunity to choose the path for themselves. This applies not only to the choice of activities, but also to musical preferences.