Vyacheslav Fetisov is a non-trivial figure for Russian, and earlier Soviet, sport, also thanks to his wife Lada Fetisova. A talented skater, Olympic champion, politician - his wife played an important role in the development of this person as a person. Their story of love, overcoming and a long family life will surely remain a role model and good envy for centuries.

Biography of Ladlena
Ladlena Yuryevna Fetisova - nee Sergievskaya - grew up as a bright talented child in a sports family. The girl was born in 1958 in Ufa in the family of a football player and a former gymnast. It is not surprising that from early childhood Lada was involved in sports. Mom, who worked as a children's trainer, gave her daughter to rhythmic gymnastics. Subsequently, the family moved from the Urals to the capital, where young Lada entered the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports.
The girl always had a memorable appearance, so she soon found herself on stage, or rather on the circus arena - Lada worked as an assistant to the magician Igor Kio. The girl also took part in the "Morning Mail", starred in the video for the song "Pink Roses of Svetka Sokolova" performed by "Merry Children". It is not surprising that they tried to invite a beautiful blonde with a chiseled figure to television, because she immediately became an adornment of the program. Young Ladlena also appeared in the films "The accident is the cop's daughter", "Where is Nofelet", her track record also includes shooting in commercials, which in the 90s. begin to actively fill the screens.
The young beauty did not pass by with great love. In the early 80s. suddenly she had an affair with a handsome footballer Vagiz Khidiyatullin. Without exaggeration, the people around admired the beautiful couple. However, by virtue of his profession, Vagiz was constantly at the training camp, perhaps this also played a role in the fact that their family boat eventually banked.
A star named Vyacheslav
Today Vyacheslav is a real star in his family. Ladlena has repeatedly admitted that he is in the family - the center around which all life revolves.

Fetisov began playing for CSKA at the age of 17. Young Slava very quickly became a celebrity and idol among the girls of the Soviet Union. He very quickly moved from the reserve to the main team and took leading positions there. Soon Fetisov was awarded the title of champion of the Soviet Union. Subsequently, he repeated his success 12 times. The hockey team, together with Fetisov, brought the country not only the gold of the European and World Championships, but also the Olympic medal of the highest standard. This is the crown of any athlete's career.
Lada Fetisova
The fateful meeting, which stretched out into a love affair for a lifetime, took place in 1982. One day, Lada's friend invited her “for company” to a friendly get-together with hockey players. The captain of the USSR national hockey team fell in love, it seems, instantly. He did not begin to look after for a long time, only immediately handed the keys to his apartment to Lada, and that was all.
The next choice was for the sensual blonde Lada. As she herself admitted in an interview with Kira Proshutinskaya, it was very difficult to leave Vagiz - her legal husband loved so much. But Ladlena had already irrevocably fallen in love with Vyacheslav, with her dear Slava, and there was no turning back. Although the hockey player still had to literally besiege the variety show, where she worked at that time, for several months in order to win the favor of the beauty, because her answer was at first categorical: "I am married!". By coincidence, their apartments were located not only in the same house, but also on the same floor, which exacerbated the already difficult situation.

I must say that Fetisov played in the CSKA club, where the athletes strictly observed the army regime and order reigned. But this did not stop the young lovers from dating, it seemed that the separation only strengthened their relationship, making them stronger day after day.
The girl's mother met the news of the divorce from the football player very aggressively: she did her best to dissuade her daughter from a rash act, fearing that she would ruin her life. It seemed that at that moment the whole world took up arms against this pair - Fetisov started having problems in the national team. The situation was complicated by the fact that Lada and Vyacheslav did not formally formalize their relationship - this happened after a long 7 years. They got married in 1989, and in 1991 their only long-awaited daughter Anastasia was born.
Change of residence - work in the NHL
90s were marked for the Fetisovs by the fact that they spent them in the USA. Taking into account the peculiarities of that time, one must understand how difficult it was to move from the collapsed Union to America. Fetisov went down in history forever as the first athlete to leave the country to work under a contract.
In the American period, Fetisov played for the NHL for 10 years, then coached, until in 2002 V. V. Putin did not invite him to coach the Russian national team for the Salt Lake City Olympics. And how hard it was for the Fetisovs to move abroad, it was just as difficult for them to return to their native country.
However, soon each member of this strong social unit found his calling in his homeland. Fetisov has become a prominent political figure, he teaches at the department at the Plekhanov Institute of Sports. Lada is a well-known public figure, under her supervision the Tvoy Sport Foundation for Children is functioning. Anastasia grew up and actually lives in two countries.
The Fetisov family is a role model, a symbol of love and faith in light and good, they have become a beacon for those who wish to build and maintain a happy family life. As Lada admitted in an interview, Vyacheslav is unhappy only with the fact that his wife spends a lot of time on the Internet, while it is better to spend it on each other. This suggests that after almost four decades, the Fetisovs not only did not get tired of each other, but did not fully enjoy their intimacy. Isn't this true happiness?