If you have never studied drawing, you can start right now. You will see for yourself that this is possible if you know a few tricks and connect a great desire to draw. This activity is great for developing imagination and motor skills.

It is necessary
A sheet of paper, gouache, paintbrush, palette
Step 1
Take gouache of blue and white colors, dilute it on the palette. You need to apply this shade to a piece of paper. Thus, create a background for the future winter landscape. Paint the mountains on the horizon with purple mixed with blue. Use white gouache for the effect of snow-capped peaks. Create mountains with diagonal strokes. For a textured stroke, try using a paintbrush in blue, purple and white without mixing the gouache. You should get a three-dimensional image.
Step 2
Consider which side the light falls from in the painting. Add some white gouache to the mountains there. Here you need to try to beautifully shade the borders on which white and other colors converge. In addition to the mountains, draw some fir trees. To create them, you need to mix several colors - for example, green, purple and blue. The green should be very dark. Also, change the brush you are painting with. It is best to paint the fir tree with a flat brush. For the image of spruce paws, use a careless brushstroke, as if lightly poking a brush into the paper. You can make a beautiful composition of three or more spruces.
Step 3
Work on the terrain that you depict in the landscape. Let the trees stand on a hilly surface. It may well be in the vicinity of the mountains. Finish the fir trees - apply white strokes, depicting snow on their paws. If you want to give dynamics to the landscape, try to depict a small blizzard or strong wind. To do this, take a semi-dry brush and use it to lightly smear the paint in some places.
Step 4
Draw the background so that mountains and spruce do not hang in the air. If the landscape looks like one whole, then it turned out to create a gouache drawing.