How To Sew A Beautiful Bedspread

How To Sew A Beautiful Bedspread
How To Sew A Beautiful Bedspread

Table of contents:


Although you can find many different things on store shelves that can be used to decorate the interior of your home, some of them, for example, a bedspread, can be made with your own hands. The main thing that is necessary for this is imagination and basic skills of needlework.

How to sew a beautiful bedspread
How to sew a beautiful bedspread

It is necessary

  • - sewing accessories;
  • - fabric, sewing accessories.


Step 1

Depending on the design of the room, decide how the bedspread you want to sew should look like. For example, it can be as simple as a blanket, or it can be three-layer. For the bedroom, you can make a bedspread with a frill, and in the nursery, a bedspread sewn from shreds will look great.

Step 2

To make a pattern, measure the dimensions of the bed, make a laying allowance to your liking (for example, it can be 5 cm in width and 15-20 cm in length) and 3 cm for seams. For the upper part of the bedspread, you can use various fabrics, for example, silk, organza, satin.

Step 3

To make the simplest version of the bedspread, cut a rectangle of the required size from the fabric. After that, sew the braid to the bedspread around the perimeter. It is worth noting that for novice needlewomen it will be most convenient to work with a plain cotton fabric.

Step 4

If you want to sew a frill to the bedspread, then you can make it from one layer of fabric or it can be multi-layered (for example, you can use tulle fabric for the bottom layer, and make the top layer from the main fabric). In width, the frill must be cut to the height of the bed (you can make it to the floor, or higher), and its length should be 3 times the length of the perimeter of the bed, excluding the headboard. If the frill is not gathered, but with folds, then its length must be calculated, taking into account the number of folds and their depth.

Step 5

After that, baste the frill to the fabric, then stitch the ribbon, frill and main fabric together. Wrap the tapes around the seams and sew. In this case, the frill does not have to be made of fabric. For example, you can also use lace for this (you can buy ready-made, or you can crochet it) or fringe.

Step 6

When the base of the bedspread is ready, you can start decorating it. If you wish, you can sew appliques to it or decorate with embroidery, hemstitching. You can make bright decorative stitches such as lines or flowers. You can also sew fabric flowers prepared in advance to the bedspread. To make them, you need to take a strip of fabric, fold it in half from the inside out and stitch it. After that, turn out and collect one side in a circle.
