How To Draw A Hammer

How To Draw A Hammer
How To Draw A Hammer

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A tool as simple as a hammer consists of two parts, which can vary significantly depending on the nature of the work performed by the product. Therefore, in the drawing, it is important to take into account the proportions of the elements, their shape and the color of the material from which they are made.

How to draw a hammer
How to draw a hammer


Step 1

Begin your drawing with a picture of auxiliary elements. Build a long rectangle that will be the handle of the hammer, the proportions of this part of the tool can vary, as long as it does not turn out to be short and thick. Place another rectangle at one end of this accessory part. The center of its long side should be on the handle.

Step 2

Draw the handle of the hammer. Depending on the type of instrument, it can be made of metal, wood or plastic, have rubber inserts for better grip on the palm surface. The simplest metal hammer is equipped with a long wooden handle with an oval cross-section. If you are drawing a carpenter's hammer, note that its handle can consist of two parts, the one to which the firing pin is attached has a smaller diameter than the one that fits in the hand.

Step 3

Before drawing the strikers, think about what kind of hammer you are depicting. The simplest tool is called "locksmith", one striking side has a flat working surface of a round shape, the other end tapers, from the side this part looks like an equilateral triangle. At the carpentry hammer, the tapering part, also called the "back", bifurcates and slightly rounds towards the handle, this device serves to pull out nails. If you are drawing a type of hammer such as a mallet, draw cylindrical strikers on both sides.

Step 4

Erase construction lines.

Step 5

Start coloring. When choosing a color, consider the material from which the hammer is made. To keep your tool from looking flat, draw areas of light and shadow on its surface. Paint the rubber parts on the handle in a bright color; a red stripe is often highlighted on the wooden handle at the bottom of it.
