Booties are a must-have item in a newborn's wardrobe, since it is necessary that his legs are always warm. Of course, you can put on socks, but they always strive to slip, and due to the fact that the booties have strings on them, the baby cannot take them off.

The choice of yarn for knitting booties
For booties, choose a soft and warm yarn. The warmest wool is considered to be merino or alpaca, but sometimes these threads prick, so for knitting babies it is better to choose half-woolen yarn or synthetic acrylic threads. They are also very warm and the linen knitted of them is soft.
In the summer, the baby also needs booties, but they can be knitted from natural cotton or bamboo yarn. Now on sale there are skeins, the label of which says "kid". This yarn is ideal for knitting baby clothes.
You need very little yarn, just one skein weighing 50 g is enough. In addition to it, you will need:
- knitting needles number 2, 5;
- braid or satin ribbon;
- a needle with a large eye.
Description of knitting booties
Start knitting booties from the sole. Cast on 30 stitches on the needles and knit with the front stitch (in the front row, knit all the loops with the front ones, and in the wrong one, respectively, with the wrong ones). At the same time, on both sides of the canvas, add one loop after the first and before the last loop, making yarn over, and one loop on both sides of the central loop of the canvas. Thus, it is necessary to make 3 three increases 3 times in every 2nd row.
Next, go to knitting the edge of the picot. Booties will look prettier if they are made from yarn of a contrasting color. Knit the first row of pico with front loops, and the second with purl. In the third row - * 1 front, 1 yarn, 2 loops together *, knit to the end of the row from * to *. In the fourth row of the edge, knit all the loops with purl. In the fifth - all facial. In the next - purl.
After that, go to knitting with yarn of the main color. Bend the edge of the pico in half along the line with the resulting holes and make the seventh row. To do this, knit together one stitch from the knitting needles and one stitch of the hem with the front loop. Knit in the same way to the end of the row.
Go for knitting with any pattern, such as garter stitch. Knit all sts in all rows of both knit and purl from rows 8 to 20.
Knit the toe of the booties. To do this, knit 16 loops (later they will need to be left open and work only with the middle 10 loops). Then another 10 loops in the middle of the row (do not knit the remaining 16 loops of the row and leave open). Knit the middle 10 stitches of the row as follows: knit 9, 1 simple broach, turn knit, purl 9, purl 2 together, turn work and knit 8 more rows. In the next row - all the loops with the front and the left open loops on the left. Next, knit a row completely purl.
Then continue knitting the booties cuff in this way: * knit 2, knit 2 together, make 1 yarn over and knit 1 more knit *, repeat from * to * to the end of the row. Complete the next row with purl loops. Next, knit 16 rows of garter stitch. This part of the booties can be knitted from yarn of different shades. Close all loops. Sew the back seam of the booties with the same thread that was used to knit the product.
Tie the second bootie in the same way. Insert braid or satin ribbon into the holes.