It would seem, what could be easier than solving a Rubik's cube? Having set a goal to collect a cube, you can pretty quickly lay out one or two faces in one color and at this you come to a dead end. The fact is that the complete assembly of the puzzle presupposes knowledge of its basic principles and intermediate algorithms. Consider, for example, the assembly sequence of a traditional 3x3 cube.

Step 1
Collect the cross on the top of the cube. To construct a cross, select any color of the face center element you like. Now, by successive rotation of the side layers of the cube, place in the middle of the side edges adjacent to the central element, those cubes that will have the same color with the center of the face. In doing so, keep in mind that the second color of the element that makes up the cross must match the color of the central element of the side face. As a result, you should get a cross on the upper edge of five elements of the same color.
Step 2
Completely assemble the first layer of the cube, on which there is already a laid out cross. Move the corners of the corresponding colors to their places. The colors of the corner small cubes should be the same as the center elements of the side faces adjacent to the top. By moving the side layers of the cube, make sure that the corner cubes are correctly oriented in their places. You will end up with a fully assembled top layer.
Step 3
Collect the second (middle) belt of the cube. To compose the middle layer, use alternate rotation of the bottom layer and one of the side layers. As a result, the desired edge cubes will fall into place, being correctly oriented in color.
Step 4
In the next step, collect the cross on the bottom face of the cube. The sequence of actions depends on the initial arrangement of the elements of the lower layer, but in general it does not differ from the assembly technology of the upper cross. Make sure that the middle ribs of the bottom layer are each in their place.
Step 5
Now arrange the corners of the bottom layer of the cube in the desired order. All three sides of the small corner cubes must match the color of the "native" faces. The main requirement when assembling the last layer is that the already assembled layers must not be disturbed. Rather, they will have to be violated, but at the end of the intermediate step, the drawing must be restored. If you did everything correctly, the solved Rubik's cube will sparkle in front of you with all its colors.