How To Draw Insects

How To Draw Insects
How To Draw Insects

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In ordinary life, insects tend to be disliked. But, paradoxically, they can be useful in creativity. The unusual and complex body structure of these creatures makes them an interesting object to draw.

How to draw insects
How to draw insects

It is necessary

  • - paper;
  • - feathers;
  • - ink;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - eraser.


Step 1

Mascara will help to convey the unusual structure of the insect's body, which will make the drawing concise and at the same time expressive. Find the right paper for the material. It should be dense enough (not thinner than watercolor), but at the same time smooth so that the line is clear and even, and the feather does not scratch the sheet.

Step 2

For drawing different parts of the insect, you will need three types of feathers - bamboo, bird and metal. The first will give a wide, saturated band, the second will allow for longer and livelier strokes, and the third will ensure a responsive response to hand movement and thin lines.

Step 3

It is better to draw an insect from nature. Copying from photographs will interfere with the volume of the object. Choose the angle from which you will look at the "model". Since it is non-standard, you may be interested not only in the frontal view and profile, but also in the drawing on the stomach or the view of the open wings from above.

Step 4

Sketch the creature in pencil. Follow it with thin, very light lines. Build the main part of the body according to the principle of a similar geometric figure, mark small details with approximate strokes.

Step 5

Since the drawing will be done in one color, define areas on the body of the insect with different saturation of tone. First paint over the lightest elements with ink, then gradually pick up the tone, making new strokes over the dried previous layers of mascara.

Step 6

First of all, paint the body of the insect, then focus on its small parts - legs, antennae, etc. for larger areas, use a bamboo feather. To draw the thin lines of the legs and the pattern on the carapace, use a metal one. Try to trace the entire segment with one touch. In this case, the thickness of the line can be increased by pressing the pen harder. Also remember that the line will be brighter and thicker at the beginning than at the end.

Step 7

Use a soft squirrel hair brush to paint the translucent wings of the insect. Dilute the mascara in a palette with a little water and apply broad strokes to the sheet. You can edit the boundaries of the stroke immediately after application. In a split second, the ink will be absorbed into the paper and attempts to correct mistakes will be noticeable.

Step 8

If the insect is covered with a shiny shell, leave the highlight on its body unpainted.
