How To Choose Fittings

How To Choose Fittings
How To Choose Fittings

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Fittings are applied small details that complement and complete the image of something larger and more basic (clothes, furniture, apartments). Even though the details are small, they have great potential. In order not to spoil the main fittings, you need to pay attention to its selection.

How to choose fittings
How to choose fittings


Step 1

The offer of fittings is diversified today. There are plenty to choose from. If you have not yet decided which fittings to choose, visit the stores of the corresponding profile. If it is hardware for a door - go to hardware stores, if for a chic dress - to sewing ones.

Step 2

It is also useful to search for photographs and samples on the net, purchase specialized magazines.

Step 3

If the task is serious, contact a professional. This can be a third-party specialist or a store specialist. The latter option is available in large or branded stores. Do not spare money for a competent specialist if you yourself cannot cope.

Step 4

When you go to the store or to the designer, take the product with you or a photo (when the item or space cannot be transported).

Step 5

Attach accessories to the item (for example, to the bottom of the skirt) or visualize it in a photograph. If we are talking about furniture or similar objects, the specialist can use the program to visually show how the sofa or space will look if you stop at these accessories.

Step 6

Consider the basic principle of selection - observe the composition. This means that the garment must be in harmony with the base on which it is placed and with the surrounding space. Applied materials for the garment must be in harmony with:

- clothes, - with the owner of the clothes (his image, the inner world), - with a place where he will flaunt it.

Step 7

Accessories for objects surrounding a person should be in harmony with:

- an object (for example, canopies with a sofa), - with the space in which the item is located (sofa canopies with the style of the living room),

- with a person (a sofa with canopies should correspond to the style of the person who owns the living room). In short, harmony is when there is no desire to remove or add something.

It is achieved when:

1) observance of proportions (ratio of parts, length, width, thickness) and arrangement of parts;

2) maintaining the color gamut;

3) the conformity of the characters of the fittings, the object and the surrounding world.
