How To Restore Hair To A Doll

How To Restore Hair To A Doll
How To Restore Hair To A Doll

Table of contents:


A hairstyle is important for any woman, even if it is not real, but a toy. The matted hair of the doll can be completely replaced and make a wonderful streaked hairstyle.

How to restore hair to a doll
How to restore hair to a doll

It is necessary

  • - doll;
  • - satin ribbon (width 25 mm);
  • - 40 cm of wire;


Step 1

Cut the required number of pieces of tape. The length of each piece should be equal to the length of the doll's hair.

Burn each piece of tape from one edge, and dissolve from the other: on the left side, find the extreme thread that holds the main thread and pull it out so that the main thread can easily unfold.


Step 2

By connecting several pieces together, the ribbons can be unrolled at the same time in a short time.

Ready-made tress blanks must be cut into several parts and a knot should be tied on each strand of hair.


Step 3

Get rid of old doll hair.

Insert the wire folded in half through the hole in the neck into the hole in the head so that the wire loop is in the neck.


Step 4

While inserting the prepared strand of hair into the loop of the wire, pull the wire through the hole in the head so that the strand comes out. Continue to insert strands all over the head.

If you wish, you can make "highlighting" and insert strands of light tone among the main hair color.
