How To Build A Sundress Pattern

How To Build A Sundress Pattern
How To Build A Sundress Pattern

Table of contents:


With the onset of summer, I want to change my wardrobe, add new colors and styles to it. You do not have to go to the store for this - you can sew some models of clothes yourself. A sundress is rightfully considered one of the easiest garments to make. It is enough to choose a good lightweight fabric, make a pattern and sew all the parts together.

How to build a sundress pattern
How to build a sundress pattern

It is necessary

  • - paper;
  • - pencil;
  • - tape measure;
  • - ruler;
  • - scissors.


Step 1

Take a measuring tape and measure the following distances: Particleboard - back length to waist, DSB - back length to hips, PG - distance from the shoulder to the top of the chest, OT - waist volume, OB - hip volume, OG - chest volume, VT - distance between the upper points of the chest, DI - the length of the product (from shoulder to hem).

Step 2

Take a large sheet of paper (preferably special paper for patterns with millimeter markings) and draw a rectangle whose length is equal to CI and width is equal to a quarter of the OG. If your hips are larger than your chest, the width of the rectangle should be a quarter OB. This will be half of the front. Immediately mark one of the vertical sides as the middle.

Step 3

Find the line for your waist, chest and hips. To do this, from the upper border of the rectangle, measure the distances equal to PG, DST, and DSB and draw horizontal lines at this level.

Step 4

Find the top point of your chest. To do this, measure half the BT along the chest line from the middle of the front. From this point, draw a vertical line across the entire rectangle.

Step 5

At the intersection of this line with the waist line, make a dart, for this, set aside 2 - 4 cm to the right and left of the intersection point. Connect these two points with the upper point of the chest and with the hip line. You should end up with a long, vertical diamond. Make the second dart along the side seam (you get half a diamond).

Step 6

Decorate the upper part of the sundress as you wish in the form of the letter "L". You can make a round, triangular or straight cut. Make the armhole low or high, depending on your shape. At the top of the letter "L" (at the intersection of the armhole and the cutout), fasten the straps.

Step 7

Build the back pattern in the same way. The difference between the back and the front is that the upper part will be simply cut horizontally, according to the height of the intersection of the armhole line with the side line.

Step 8

Cut out the details of the sundress pattern and start sewing.
