The Series "Youth": Forward For Glory

The Series "Youth": Forward For Glory
The Series "Youth": Forward For Glory

Recently, Russian TV series have been gaining popularity. One of the most famous is the recently released TV series "Molodezhka".

The series "Youth": forward for glory
The series "Youth": forward for glory

Recently, a new Russian TV series "Molodezhka" was released on STS. He interested millions of people and became one of the most popular.

The plot of the series is quite simple. Young guys play hockey. Their team is at the very bottom of the standings. They do not succeed, because each player is concerned only with his own personal success. The leaders of the team are constantly fighting for their own glory, the goalkeeper does not listen to anyone around, because he considers himself too smart, and the defenders on the ice can hardly move. The guys have learned to go out on the ice together, but they cannot learn to be one. The position of the team is deplorable, but it has begun to change since the former star of the Continental Hockey League Sergey Petrovich Makeev becomes their new coach. It is he who makes the guys think about the future, forget about their principles and unites them into a real close-knit team. Throughout the whole picture, he is not only a head coach for them, but also an older friend, to whom each of them can entrust their personal secrets and experiences.

The popularity of this series lies, rather, not in the plot, but in the cast and in the play of talented young people and adult men. The filmmakers took their casting seriously. Not only TV and movie stars appear on the screen, but also unknown young men. Despite the fact that few of them were known before the release of Molodezhka, in just a few episodes each of them became a new screen star.

This series is not only entertainment for today's youth, but also a kind of incentive for sports and a healthy lifestyle. If the creators of modern films more often thought about what and how they shoot, society would become much more educated and more organized.