In order for bulbous flowers to delight you in the summer, you need to know how to choose healthy planting material.
Bulbs should be purchased in August and September as they are freshly harvested.
Before buying a flower bulb, inspect it thoroughly.
- Pay attention to the size: the larger the bulb, the stronger and stronger the plant will be.
- Do not take bulbs with mechanical damage.
- Click on the bottom. If it is soft, then this is most likely due to gray rot (botrytosis) affecting the internal tissues.
- If you notice reddened spots, be aware that the bulb is affected by dry rot (fusarium).
- Dark depressions and specks on the planting material are signs of hard rot (septoria blight).
- A brown ring at the base of the bulb indicates its disease with a putrefactive fungus - sclerocinosis.
- Small holes on the scales of the bulb, and under them dark pimples are scab.
Well, if you inadvertently acquired sick planting material and it's a pity to destroy it, try to save the bulbs. Wash them in hot (55 ° C) water and dry. Use a clean knife to carefully scrape the damaged tissue out so that no specks remain. When the wounds are dry, anoint them with blue or brilliant green and leave in a cool dry place until planting.