What Plants Are Fashionable To Grow

What Plants Are Fashionable To Grow
What Plants Are Fashionable To Grow

Green islands in apartments and offices change noticeably every few years, of course, if their trustees follow the trends in crop production. In the nineties, most of them decorated their desks with cacti "from radiation"; in the early 1990s, housewives were passionately carried away by the Uzambara violet, giving away dozens of varieties not only window sills, but also huge special racks. Non-standard flowers and bright leaves are in fashion today.

Plants of an unusual type are in trend
Plants of an unusual type are in trend

As part of this trend, ficuses are back in fashion. And if earlier they slowly languished in clinics and public places, today different varieties of ficuses decorate both living quarters and public ones. Ficus is unpretentious and hardy, many believe that this plant is capable of taming aggression in a person and inspiring calm thoughts. The main thing is to avoid growing rubber ficus. Its fumes can cause a serious attack in asthmatics.

If space permits, it's good to start a monster. Its amazing carved leaves can be up to a meter in length, and with the simplest care. The main thing is to give the plant support and diffused light. By the way, the name of the monstera is not due to its poisonousness. Two or three hundred years ago, travelers found skeletons in the South American jungle, pierced by the shoots of an unknown plant. This is how the legends of the killer tree were born. Although, in fact, aerial roots only grew through the already decayed remains of a person who died for another reason. So, only the name has in common with the monsters.

Another green man's fashionable friend is the palm tree. Also not a very whimsical option, however, you need to find your own approach to it. If in the pictures a palm tree grows at the edge of the sea in the sun, this does not mean that all its species adore direct light, sand and moisture. Some species need spraying, others thrive in an air-conditioned climate. So once you've decided on the type of palm tree (high or low, lush or not so), carefully study the issues of caring for it. What if a favorite tree will survive only in the tropics or in a winter garden with a microclimate? By the way, the growth potential of a palm tree is a key issue when choosing. After all, it is easier to grow a date palm tree: if you put a bone in the ground, take care of it. It's just a few years later that you will have to cut through the ceiling so that it can unbend.

It's funny, but the fern familiar to many Siberians in Europe has recently been breaking all sales records. And it is called much more attractive - nephrolepis. So do not rush to get rid of the bored greenery, and if you haven’t started a fern at home yet, try to plant a tree with it. Nephrolepis requires virtually no maintenance, is tenacious and grows rapidly with proper care.

But with another popular plant, it is worth contacting already experienced and very patient growers. It is not by chance that Anthurium is called a flamingo flower. It is as beautiful as it is capricious, many species require meticulous reproductions of the climatic conditions of their homeland - South America. Special soil, high humidity, good lighting, timely transplantation (young plants - every year, mature - every three years) - these are just the main conditions. Moreover, fragile leaves are easy to damage, and the wrong size of the pot will affect the likelihood of flowers appearing. Moreover, when spraying, moisture should fall on the leaves, and the flowers should be avoided. But anthurium will respond to care and patience with a beautiful appearance.