How To Make A Christmas Angel Out Of Paper

How To Make A Christmas Angel Out Of Paper
How To Make A Christmas Angel Out Of Paper

Angel is a traditional Christmas tree decoration. Believers believe that he brings happiness. The fashion of decorating the Christmas tree with figurines of angels was adopted by those who have nothing to do with Christianity. An angel can be made from a wide variety of materials, including paper.

An angel can be made using the papier-mâché technique
An angel can be made using the papier-mâché technique

Angel in a few minutes

The easiest way to make angels is from the most ordinary paper napkin. To work you will need:

- 2 white napkins;

- nut;

- scissors;

- PVA glue;

- thick threads or braid.

Spread out one napkin. Put a nut in the middle, wrap it up and pull it with a thick thread. You now have a head and torso. The angel is dressed in a long white outfit, so he doesn't have to wear legs. It is enough to add volume to the napkin and trim the open corners in a semicircle. You can do this with curly scissors. Make the wings from the second napkin. It is folded four times. It is not necessary to expand it. Simply cut the square diagonally from the fold to the open corners. It turned out two pairs of wings, which can also be trimmed with curly scissors, or you can leave it that way. The wings can be single or double. In the first case, grease the fold line with PVA glue and glue the wings to the back of the angel. It is better to glue the double wings together and then attach them to the figurine. Make the angel's hair from foil, and the loop for which you will hang him on the Christmas tree - from lurex.

To make the angel look more elegant, you can add a thread with lurex to the harsh thread.

Papier-mâché angel

The papier-mâché technique takes patience and some investment of time, but it gives excellent results. You can make a toy that will be carefully kept not only by your children, but also by your grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. For such an angel you will need;

- napkins or newsprint;

- plain paper for the printer;

- plasticine;

- PVA glue or starch paste;

- water-based paint;

- gouache;

- varnish;

- a sharp knife.

Sculpt an angel figurine without wings from plasticine. It can consist of only two parts - a cone and a ball. Tear the napkin into small pieces. Stick the pieces onto the blank so that they cover the entire surface. Glue the next layer of napkins on glue or paste. Then make several layers of printer paper. Let the workpiece dry, then remove the plasticine. You may need to cut the figurine to do this and then glue it back together. Sand the figurine with a fine sandpaper, cover with PVA glue and paint the body with white gouache, and the face with pink. Decide which hands the angel will have. They can be simply drawn - for example, folded on the chest. Hands can be glued. To do this, make 2 identical tubes, glue the layers well. Brushes are balls rolled from napkins, painted in the same color as the face. Decorate the head - draw the face, glue the hair (you can make them from thin colored paper, foil, threads). Glue a loop into your hair. Cut the wings from napkin or foil, glue to the back. Apply a layer of clear varnish on top of the paint.

Any plasticine is suitable for papier-mâché, but sculptural at the same temperature is somewhat harder than ordinary children's, so the blanks from it are less deformed.

Angel made of napkin and cardboard

Draw a semicircle on a piece of thin white cardboard. Find the middle of the diameter. Glue the semicircle together to form a cone. Cut the bottom with curly scissors. Roll a ball out of a napkin, glue it to the top of the cone. For hands, glue 2 tubes and 2 balls, attach them to the cone. Glue on your hair and make a loop.
