The echolocation method is used to determine the depth of the bottom of the reservoir and to study the topography of the bottom surface. This scientific method is widely used by fishermen to determine the most promising places for fishing. Choosing an echo sounder for fishing is a responsible business, and you need to take it seriously. The main thing is that the device matches your goals as much as possible, as well as the depth and topography of the bottom of the reservoir in which you fish.

Step 1
To choose a fish finder for fishing, evaluate it according to the following criteria: power, transducer characteristics, receiver sensitivity, contrast, resolution and screen size, and, of course, cost. Ultimately, as with any other purchase, you need to find an item that is effective enough at a price that is affordable for you.
Step 2
There are many models of echo sounders on the market. All these devices work according to the same principle: an electrical impulse converted into a sound wave is sent to the water. After being reflected, the wave returns and again turns into a signal that the receiver reads, sending the result to the screen in a human-readable form.
Step 3
For deep waters with muddy water, select a high power of 2000-2400 W to ensure the signal is clear enough. A strong device is able to increase even the weakest impulse and deliver it without significant losses, allowing the fisherman to discern small features of the underwater and bottom structure and determine the accumulation of small fish, including fry. For a shallow reservoir, a power of 1000 W or less is sufficient.
Step 4
Pay attention to the frequency of the transducer, for deep-sea fishing a low value of 50kHz is suitable, for shallow water, on the contrary, a high value is 200kHz. This is due to the fact that the low-frequency signal penetrates better into depth, but it is also more scattered. A high frequency signal, on the other hand, gives good detail to objects, but is unable to travel long distances.
Step 5
The echo sounder explores the body of water using beams, which affects its design. For example, a device with a spherical bottom has the most beams. Their combination affects a large area of the bottom, but cannot penetrate deeply. Better take a device with two beams, narrow and wide. One will give depth, and the other will study the essential features of the reservoir.
Step 6
The high sensitivity of the receiver ensures better reception of the received pulses, however, it also increases the interference when sending data to the screen. Therefore, give preference to a model with the ability to change the settings.
Step 7
The echo sounder screen is an intermediary for communication with the fisherman, which carries out the final presentation of information. Therefore, it is important that it is reflected as clearly and without interference. It is advisable to choose a large screen size on large boats or boats, a small screen size - on small ones.
Step 8
The price of an echo sounder, unfortunately, is not a direct reflection of its quality. Sometimes devices with low performance are more expensive, this is a consequence of the brand's fame, a fee for prestige. If you are satisfied with the selected characteristics, but confused by the low price, take care of the guarantee.