How To Draw A Swamp

How To Draw A Swamp
How To Draw A Swamp

Table of contents:


In order to depict a swamp, it is best to use watercolors. They will allow you to emphasize the muddy surface of the water on the surface of the bog and draw stunted vegetation along its banks.

How to draw a swamp
How to draw a swamp

It is necessary

  • - paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - eraser;
  • - watercolor paints;
  • - brushes.


Step 1

Select on the paper the area corresponding to the swamp. You can choose any size of this formation in the landscape, it can be large or small. In any case, the swamp should have a rounded shape, as, for example, by a lake. Do not put pressure on the pencil so that the traces of the lead are not visible from under the layer of paint.

Step 2

Draw trees around the perimeter of the swamp. Since in such an area the soil is not fertile, and its acidity is increased, draw stunted vegetation with thin trunks and branches. Some trees can be drawn with few or no leaves.

Step 3

Draw bumps on the surface of the swamp, they are formed by the growth of grasses such as sedge or calamus, their leaves look like long ribbons directed up and to the sides. In addition to hummocks, you can depict moss growth on stones, reeds and wild rosemary. The latter is a stunted shrub with elongated leaves and white flowers.

Step 4

Start coloring. To make the water on the surface of the swamp still, apply the paint in horizontal layers. Use dirty shades of green and brown. In some places of the bog, select the duckweed with dotted touches of the brush. This will be especially useful if you are depicting a swamp in the summer.

Step 5

Color the trees and shrubs around the swamp. Cover the bark in the lower part with dark green moss; the sky should show through the frail branches. Remember that there are often thickets of blueberries, cranberries and cloudberries near the swamps, so you can depict a scattering of berries on the banks.

Step 6

Draw a pale blue glow above the surface of the bog. It is caused by spontaneous combustion of emitted bog gas (methane). For believability, you can highlight a few plants rotting under water with light.
