An unfavorable sign, according to interpreters of dreams, is a dream in which a swamp appeared. The swampy area warns of bad changes, of prolonged stagnation in business. The dreamer runs the risk of "drowning" in problems that will attack him from all sides.

In dream books, a swampy area is rarely deciphered as something auspicious. An exception is a dream in which a person sees a rotten swamp, but does not come close to it. Such night vision can promise business success and financial stability. Also, a light, green swamp is positively interpreted, in which there are islets, hummocks and puddles of clean water. Such a dream promises success. The dreamer will be able to catch luck by the tail, bring all important things to the end and get some benefit from the projects begun.
If in a dream you have to wander through the swamp, this portends gossip and rumors. Someone is deliberately trying to slander the dreamer. When in a dream a person wanders for a long time in a deserted and dark swamp, now and then getting bogged down in a quagmire, this means that many worries, troubles and problems await him in life. The dreamer chose the wrong path to achieving the goal, now he will have to spend a lot of time and effort to achieve at least minimal success.
Getting bogged down, drowning in a swamp in a dream is a dangerous warning. First, there is a risk of becoming seriously ill. Secondly, dream books believe that such a dream appears before the onset of an unfavorable stage in life. There is a risk of losing all your savings, going bankrupt. Getting out of debt won't be easy. In addition, drowning in a swamp in a dream - to tears, disappointment in loved ones or even in yourself. It is highly likely that the dreamer will face betrayal, betrayal, deception.
If in night vision a person sees himself in the center of an endless swamp, this means that in reality he will not have enough strength to complete all the work he has begun. He will not be able to live up to expectations, relatives or colleagues at work, the bosses will be very disappointed in him. The inability to find a way out of the swampy area - to difficulties in all areas of life. The dreamer will find himself in a situation where the future will be perceived as something illusory and hopeless.
When in a dream a person carelessly walks through the swamp, then in reality he needs to pay attention to his health. Dream Interpretations recommend taking a break, vacation, allowing yourself a little rest. Otherwise, there is a great risk of getting sick due to lack of sleep and overwork.
Sitting in a swamp, watching how the whole area around is plunged into darkness - to depression and prolonged stagnation. The dreamer will face such circumstances in life that he will not be able to overcome. Hands will drop, faith in one's own strength will go away. The help that the dreamer is counting on will not arrive in time at the right time.
Watching in a dream how someone from your acquaintances is drowning in a swamp is not the most favorable sign. Dream Interpretations claim that such a night vision promises a break in relations, quarrels and quarrels with both friends and colleagues and relatives.
If, according to the plot of a dream, a person unexpectedly goes to the swamp, and then begins to drown in it, this means that in real life he will fall into bad company. If the dreamer is in love, then the dream warns: he chose a completely wrong person for the relationship. The person to whom the dreamer has strong feelings does not reciprocate, but only uses him for his own selfish purposes. I dreamed about the swamp before the wedding - the marriage will be unsuccessful and very difficult.