There are several universal rules for caring for indoor plants. These rules will help you effortlessly maintain indoor flowers in decent condition so that they can decorate your home.

It is necessary
Watering can, water, sharp knife or scissors, pot, ready-made potting mix
Step 1
The very first, basic rule is that plants should be well lit, while in spring and summer they should not be exposed to direct sunlight, which can burn the leaves of flowers. However, your plants should not stand far from the window, because in small rooms already three meters from the window, the illumination is no more than 5%, which is clearly not enough for plants. It's good if you have wide window sills, where you can put pots of flowers not close to the window, and hang the window itself with an openwork or transparent curtain, which will minimize the harm from direct rays. But if you do not have this opportunity, in no case put the plants in the center of the room - they will be very bad there. Of course, there are plants that do not like light at all, but these are an absolute minority. And never put plants on top of cabinets.
Step 2
Remember that all plants grow in the direction of the light, which means that in order to promote their uniform growth, you need to periodically turn them, and not very sharply, as this will only harm the plant. A full pot rotation is best done in a week or two. But you can go the other way and put the pots at a slight angle to the window, placing chips or pebbles under them, achieving an angle of 10-15 degrees relative to the window sill.
Step 3
Watering flowers can be carried out according to several schemes. "Overwatering" - the soil must be oversaturated with moisture, this type of watering is suitable for a limited number of plants, for example, calamus. "Abundant watering" - the soil is always moist, but the moisture does not stagnate. Many ornamental plants (begonia, calathea, oleander) prefer this watering. Water these plants on a regular basis, making sure that the top layer of the earth does not dry out. "Moderate watering" - before each next watering, the soil in the pots should dry out a little. Such watering is needed for plants with large, beautiful leaves. "Rare watering" - the soil is kept dry, the plant should be watered occasionally, mainly during the growth period. Allow the soil to dry completely before each next watering. Such watering is needed primarily for cacti.
Step 4
All indoor plants require periodic replanting. This is necessary in order to restore the balance of nutrients in the earth, since a significant part of them is consumed by the plant itself, part disappears during watering, moreover, over time, the properties of the soil in the pot change greatly: acidity or alkalinity increases, water permeability changes. And the flower pot becomes cramped as it grows. Plants do not like transplants, they react badly to them, so you should not do this too often. The recommendations for transplanting are the following changes in the state of the plants: the plant has fewer flowers, it blooms reluctantly, the roots come out of the bottom hole of the pot, the earth rises above the level of the pot due to the overgrown root system.
Step 5
Make sure to let the water stand for at least 12 hours. Start a watering can or use regular water bottles. Remember that any plant needs good drainage to keep the root system out of the water all the time.
Step 6
The transplant should be carried out between February and April, while the plants are still in hibernation. The flower that you are going to transplant must stop watering a few days before. The new pot should be 2-4 centimeters larger than the previous one, do not immediately transplant the plants into too large pots - this will not do them good. It is best to remove the plant from the old pot without destroying the earthen lump around the roots; rotten roots must be cut off. In a new pot, you need to put a layer of drainage on top of the prepared soil mixture, then put a plant with an earthen clod and add new soil almost to the edge of the pot, tapping on the pot to fill any voids. Transplanted plants do not need to be watered for five days, but spray regularly.