How To Make A Paper Stained Glass Window "Golden Cockerel"

How To Make A Paper Stained Glass Window "Golden Cockerel"
How To Make A Paper Stained Glass Window "Golden Cockerel"

Table of contents:


Stained-glass windows are often used to decorate interiors. The children's room can be decorated with a paper imitation of the "Golden Cockerel" stained-glass window, which can be made together with the child.

How to make a paper stained glass window "Golden Cockerel"
How to make a paper stained glass window "Golden Cockerel"

It is necessary

  • - stained glass paints;
  • - mock-up rug;
  • - 1 sheet of black cardboard (A4 format);
  • - stationery clamps, strong (stapler);
  • - scissors, breadboard (clerical knife);
  • - wire, beads, vine (willow) ring;
  • - glue stick, Moment Crystal glue;
  • - 2 sheets of ordinary office paper (A4 format);
  • - 2 sheets of gold or holographic paper (A4 format);
  • - transparent cover from a plastic folder (cover from a textbook);


Step 1

Prepare a cockerel template in duplicate on plain office paper. Place a sheet of clear plastic over one of the printed templates and secure it with paper clips or clips.


Step 2

Paint over the inner "windows" with stained glass paints. And leave the workpiece to dry (until the colors are transparent). Start carving the cockerel. Fold 2 sheets of heavy gold or holographic paper, right-side up, and place the second printed template on top. Secure the sheets together with paper clips, paper clips, or a stapler.


Step 3

Carefully cut out the inner parts of the drawing with a dummy (or clerical) knife on a dummy rug. Save all the cut pieces of holographic paper, they can be useful for the applique, which can be made later. Then cut out the drawing of the cockerel along the outer contour. As a result, you should get two holographic paper cockerel mirror stencils and one white office paper stencil.


Step 4

When the paint is dry, take the Moment Crystal glue and apply it in a thin layer on the plastic, on the unpainted areas of the cock. Place the corresponding holographic paper stencil on the slightly dried glue, aligning the contours of the drawing, and press well. When the glue is dry, turn the blank over and glue the mirror stencil on the other side of the other side. Cut the excess plastic along the contour of the cock with scissors.


Step 5

To fasten the cord of the stained glass "Golden Cockerel", glue the wire under the second stencil. Secure the ends to a suitable base, such as a ring of intertwined willow branches. Beads can be strung on the wire as an additional decoration.


Step 6

An interesting applique can be made from the leftovers, which is assembled according to the principle of a puzzle. Glue the cockerel cut out of regular office paper with a glue stick to a sheet of black cardboard. Next, select the corresponding fragments from the remains of the holographic paper, taking into account that they mirror each other and paste them into the cut "windows". Fill in the entire stencil. Decorate the appliqué as you like for a finished look.
