How To Restore Shine To Gold

How To Restore Shine To Gold
How To Restore Shine To Gold

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Many people believe that the reason for the darkening of gold products is health problems in the person wearing them. In fact, gold tarnishing is caused by the effects of oxides, sulfides and sebum accumulating on its surface. You can restore your favorite jewelry to its former shine with the help of tools that are always at hand.

How to restore shine to gold
How to restore shine to gold


Step 1

In a jewelry store, you can buy a special gold cleaner and get expert advice on how to use it. The jewelry workshops offer professional cleaning services for gold jewelry.

Step 2

To clean gold at home, you can use detergents such as laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent, and laundry soap. After boiling the product in a solution of detergent for 5-10 minutes, rinse it with cold running water. Another option is to add a few drops of ammonia to the container with the solution and shake it several times, then rinse with water.

Step 3

It is also possible to achieve the desired effect by rubbing the product with toothpaste or powder using an old toothbrush. It is not recommended to clean gold with baking soda, as its abrasive structure can damage the surface of the gold.

Step 4

Put the gold items in a container with ammonia (or ammonia mixed with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution) overnight, rinse them the next morning and wipe them with a soft cloth. Also, ammonia can be added to a boiling solution consisting of a tablespoon of grated laundry soap and a glass of boiling water. Another option for boiling is in a solution of half a sachet of citric acid mixed with a glass of water.

Step 5

To clean gold with salt, mix 2 tablespoons of salt with a glass of water and place the product in this solution overnight. Rinse and dry with a soft cloth in the morning.

Step 6

Put the gold pieces in contact lens solution overnight, brush them with a toothbrush in the morning.
