How To Restore Chakras

How To Restore Chakras
How To Restore Chakras

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Chakra restoration helps prevent many diseases, the presence of which at the initial stage a person does not even suspect. Take a stable upright position while standing on the floor or on the ground. Close your eyes and bring your breath to an even and relaxed state. The eyes should be closed until the session is complete.

How to restore chakras
How to restore chakras


Step 1

Imagine your personal energy shell, like a cocoon that surrounds your body. The edge of the cocoon should match the size of your energy field. Its outer surface is of a mirror nature, with two holes. One is located above the head, and the second is below the feet. You create protection from external influences.

Step 2

Mentally create an infinitely high cylinder at a distance of one meter from the line of your shell. Imagine that it has a mirrored surface both inside and outside. Draw an analogy with a nesting doll. A small part of it is you, the middle part is your energy shell, and the outer part is the mirror cylinder you created.

Step 3

Focus on inhaling, imagine a powerful flow of positive energy that has a golden hue. It strives to the centers of the feet, to the central points of the palms and to the coccyx region.

Step 4

Guide and control its movement throughout the body and along the spine. Try to imagine and feel how the energy fills every cell of the body, and then freely goes out in the region of the crown. If the energy hits an obstacle, burn it with a flame and resume the procedure.

Step 5

Signs of fullness can include a slight tingling sensation or numbness, gentle warmth along the spine and other organs.

Step 6

Focus on the exhalation. Imagine a powerful stream of pure silver energy entering the seventh energy center. Guide and track the flow of energy through other centers from top to bottom of the spine. Feel how the energy fills every cell of the body, and then flows freely through the palms and feet.

Step 7

If you find any obstructions, then burn them again with a flame and resume the procedure. Achieve free movement of energy through all chakras. The signs of fullness are the same as when inhaling.

Step 8

After you have felt the fullness of the body, continue to work simultaneously with both flows of energy. Look for the hidden negative and push it out of the shell, to the walls of the cylinder, so that you can burn it later.

Step 9

Direct the shock stream of bright flame from below into the space between the cocoon and the cylinder and burn all the negative that you collected in the process of cleansing the chakras.
