How To Restore Your Aura

How To Restore Your Aura
How To Restore Your Aura

The presence of diseases and ailments with a high probability indicates damage to the aura. Drug therapy does not eliminate the cause of the disease, so it is advisable to try to restore the integrity of the aura using special exercises.

Gymnastics Taijiquan
Gymnastics Taijiquan

Before you start restoring your aura, you need to understand what caused its damage. There are two main reasons: wrong thinking and unhealthy eating habits. Thought is material - if a person thinks negatively, if he constantly feels dissatisfaction, irritation, anger, it is impossible to maintain health for many years.

An unhealthy diet has an equally negative effect on health. Therefore, the work on restoring the aura should begin with the normalization of nutrition and thinking.

How to normalize thinking and nutrition

Peace should reign in the mind of a person. Analyze what thoughts are bothering you and get rid of them. Learn to live in the present moment, do not think about past troubles and possible problems in the future. The time will come, and you will solve certain problems, but now, when they are not at the moment, do not spoil your life by constantly thinking about them.

Don't judge, don't judge people. Leave them to yourself. Learn to accept the situation as it is. It doesn't matter who said or did what - watch yourself. What matters is only your actions, your reaction to the events taking place. Whatever emotions you feel about the actions of other people, it absolutely does not change anything. Therefore, learn to remain calm, move away from negativity in any of its manifestations. As soon as you find spiritual harmony, the aura will recover, many diseases will go away by themselves.

Proper nutrition is equally important. Avoid fast food, hypermarket products. Eat more organic vegetables, fruits and fish, and reduce the amount of meat in your diet. Try to give up any baked goods and sweets as much as possible. Avoid colored carbonated drinks altogether. Drink plenty of clean water and green tea. Normalization of nutrition has a very beneficial effect on the restoration of the aura.

Meditative energy exercises

Remember that the exercises described below are only effective if thinking and nutrition are normalized. Without this, all improvements will only be temporary.

One of the best exercises for normalizing the aura is to activate the chakras. Their poor performance negatively affects both a person's health and his abilities.

It is convenient to work on activating the chakras before going to bed, when you have already gone to bed. Relax, then concentrate on the first chakra, mooladhara. Information on the exact location of the chakras and their color can be found on the net. Think of your chakra as a glowing red energy ball about the size of a tennis ball. When you feel the warmth in the place of localization of the chakra, move on to the next one - svadhisthana. Its color is orange. Next, sequentially activate manipura and all other chakras.

After pumping all the chakras, mentally try to see your aura. Visualize it as dazzling white, radiant, enveloping you in a dense cocoon. This radiance removes any damage, burns out all negative energies.

Chinese gymnastics taijiquan helps to restore the aura. Its smooth movements are suitable even for the most elderly people, but some rules must be followed when practicing it. The most important thing is to enter into a special meditative state. Feel your every move, be in the moment. The movements should be harmonious, while performing them you should feel joy, satisfaction - only in this case they will be beneficial.

Remember that it can take months, if not years, to restore an aura. Therefore, it is important to be patient and not quit after one to two weeks of practice.