How To Crochet Knitted Items

How To Crochet Knitted Items
How To Crochet Knitted Items

Crocheted products from individual elements, as a rule, are distinguished by originality: they have an unusual pattern, and often a unique shape. Knitting from elements is a fascinating process, but at the end of the work, the needlewoman faces the question of how to combine related motives.

How to crochet knitted items
How to crochet knitted items

Of course, you can connect knitted elements by simply picking up a regular thread to match, sewing them with a needle. But in some cases it is wiser to use a crochet hook.

Single crochet connection

The easiest way to connect parts of a knitted product is to fasten them with a crochet stitch made with single crochet stitches. To do this, the hook is inserted into the loops of the last row of both stitched elements at the same time, then a working thread is pulled through them and 2 loops formed on the hook are knitted.

At the same time, the seam turns out to be quite tight, but neat. You can lay it from the seamy side, or you can also from the front. It makes sense to do this when knitting products, for example, from "grandmother's squares" or other, sufficiently large and dense elements. In this case, the connecting seam will serve as an additional decorative element. It can be made, for example, with a contrasting thread or one that differs from the main color of the product with a thread to match.

Joining in the knitting process

If a product is made from openwork squares, circles, triangles or other repeating motifs, it will look much more accurate if the elements are connected to each other during the knitting process. As a rule, the connection points of the motives are indicated on the knitted element diagram.

Most often, this kind of articulation is performed using arches from air loops. In order to "tie" one element to another, half of the chain of air loops is performed according to the scheme, then the hook is inserted under the arch from the air loops of the previous element and the loop is knitted in the usual way, thus connecting the motifs. Next, the second half of the chain is tied.

The complexity of this method of connection lies in the fact that the craftswoman needs to calculate in advance the required number of motives and draw up a diagram of their layout on the pattern.

Connection using chains of air loops

When creating products from individual small elements, for example, using the Irish lace technique, sometimes the elements are connected by simply sewing them together (coupling lace). Of course, you can do this with a hook, as described above. But in this case, the knitted fabric will be quite dense and inelastic. This connection method is suitable for knitting outerwear.

More often than not, the elements of Irish lace are connected using an irregular mesh. This is a crocheted net made of small (2-4 loops) chains of air loops and double crochets. The general principle of such a mesh can be described as follows: a chain is knitted from one element, which is fixed on the edge of a nearby element. If the distance between the elements is large enough, arches are made of air loops, attached in random order to the previously knitted arches.

Despite its seeming simplicity, this method of combining motifs requires great skill, but the result is worth it: the mesh gives the product made by the "Irish" woman a unique airiness and lightness.
