Sansevieria: Home Care

Sansevieria: Home Care
Sansevieria: Home Care

In the asparagus family there is a plant common at home, such as sansevieria. The homeland of this plant is the countries of Africa and Asia with a tropical climate, as well as savannas and semi-deserts. The most common at home are Hanni sansevieria, three-lane and cylindrical sansevieria.

Sansevieria: home care
Sansevieria: home care

The people call this plant "mother-in-law's tongue" and "pike tail". This plant has been known in Europe since the 18th century: in Britain this plant is called "the tongue of the devil", "leopard lily", in the USA - "snake skin", and in Germany - "African hemp".

There is a sign that sansevieria provoke people to all sorts of gossip and rumors, however, according to Chinese teachings, sansevieria is capable of absorbing negative thoughts and expelling evil energy and bad intentions. The flower promotes inspiration, the development of entrepreneurship and is able to prevent headaches and colds.

Types of sansevieria

1. Sansevieria cylindrical has dark green leathery leaves with stripes that come out of the basal rosette, and a yellow border.

2. Sansevieria Hanni, which differs from all other varieties in small size, reaches a height of about 30 cm and has short green leaves in the form of a rosette.

3. Sansevieria three-lane, growing in height up to 100 centimeters, has elongated vertical leaves with transverse stripes. This plant thrives in both shade and sunshine.


Sansevieria transplant

It is necessary to transplant this plant only when its roots have completely grown and enveloped all the earth contained in the pot. This is done about once every 3 years. To do this, choose only a thick-walled pot, for example, made of clay. In no case do not take too large a pot - the plant will be uncomfortable in it.

Soil for sansevieria

Combine in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1: 1 turf, leafy soil, humus, sand and peat. Place expanded clay drainage on the bottom of the pot.

The plant does not require frequent feeding, however, in the warm season, you can use fertilizers suitable for other succulents and feed the plant once a month. Fertilizers should not contain a large amount of nitrogen, otherwise it can lead to root rot. An oversupply of fertilizer can also ruin the appearance of the sansevieria.

Watering and lighting sansevieria

Since sansevieria is a succulent, it should not be watered often, as the plant accumulates nutrients in its leaves. In the warm season, water the flower only when the soil dries up, about 1 time per week. In the cool season, watering should be done even less often. Use rainwater, distilled water, or melt water for irrigation.

The plant can be placed both in the sun and in the shade, but the flower prefers a well-lit place. Lack of sun can lead to stunted growth, and the leaves will not be as brightly colored.

Temperature for sansevieria

The optimum temperature is not lower than 15 degrees. Sansevieria tolerates heat well. In the cold season, do not lean the flower against cold glass, as this can lead to hypothermia and the plant will die.

Reproduction of sansevieria

1. Seeds. This plant can be propagated by seed. Plant seeds in plastic cups from fertile soil, keep them in a greenhouse at an elevated temperature.

2. Reproduction by division. Remove the plants from the soil, then rinse the roots, separate part of the rhizome with leaves and plant it in fertile soil. This is best done in early spring.

3. Reproduction by cuttings. Cut off a sheet of 7 centimeters, wait a few days for the sheet to dry, and then transplant it into important sandy soil to a depth of 2 cm. Rooting can take place within 2 months. Transplant the rooted plants into a pot with fertile soil.

Diseases and pests of sansevieria

Pale yellow leaves will tell you that sansevieria is affected by spider mites. It needs to be sprayed with insecticide. Thrips can infect shoots, use the same drugs.

If the leaves become curved and die off, then the mealybug may be the cause of the lesion. Treat the plant with a damp sponge and then with karbofos.

If the leaves turn yellow or white, then the plant may be overheated and is in too bright sun. An excess of moisture can be the cause of rot. In any case, the affected leaves must be cut off.
