Each nation has its own money talisman. The Slavs hang a horseshoe over the door, and the Chinese buy a frog with three legs and a coin in its mouth. But it is not only the object that matters, but also its energy. In order for the talisman to attract money and improve the financial situation of the owner, you need to make it yourself.

The talisman can be made from stones, wood, coins, candles, or threads. For example, you can sew a bag of money yourself.
To make it, you will need fabric, green threads and a ribbon, coins, eucalyptus oil, chamomile or rose petals. First, we sew a small bag. You only need to use green threads, because this color symbolizes financial well-being.
We grease each coin with oil and put it in a bag, pour the petals there. You can also add a sprig of walnut or cedar. Tie the pouch with tape and hang over a door or clock.
For a money amulet to really attract money, it must be properly charged. The easiest way is by the power of your mind. When you make an amulet, constantly think about your desire or a large amount of money, then every day for several weeks hold the talisman in your hands.
The waxing moon helps to charge the talisman. It must be placed under the moonlight, which will bring strength to the amulet and increase its power.
If you don't have time to make money bags, you can simply find a talisman. It can be a bill, preferably a large denomination. Pay attention to the series and number of the bill. The series must match the first letters of your last name and first name or first name and patronymic. And the number - with the last two digits of your year of birth. For example, if you were born in 1985, then search for 85 in the number.
Once you find the bill you want, store it in a secluded place and never waste it. It is a powerful talisman that will attract a lot of cash flow and help in your career.