How To Make Glowing Flowers

How To Make Glowing Flowers
How To Make Glowing Flowers

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Many girls are very fond of flowers. But if your significant other is spoiled by attention and receives a bouquet per day, it will be extremely difficult to surprise her, although it is possible. Try making a composition with flowers that glow in the dark.

How to make glowing flowers
How to make glowing flowers


Step 1

Imagine, you are giving your beloved a bouquet, during the day it is no different from others, but with the onset of darkness, each bud, each petal emits a flickering soft light. Well, what girl can resist after such a surprise?

Step 2

So, to make a sweetheart pleasant, use the tips and adopt the most suitable one. The first way is to buy a special glowing bio gel for flowers. The composition of such a gel is absolutely harmless to the environment, people and animals, but it prolongs the life of flowers (since the degree of moisture evaporation decreases), the buds do not lose their beauty, the leaves do not fall off, and even after wilting, the bouquet continues to be radiant. Apply the gel with a brush to the flower (petals, leaves, and any parts you like). Such an unusual composition will also serve as a decoration for any holiday or party.

Step 3

Ultraviolet light and fluorescent dye are the next options for radiant colors. In truth, the procedure is very simple, but the effect is amazing. Take the glowing marker, open it. Take out the foam ink cartridge and squeeze a little into a container of water. Shake well. Next, cut the flower a few centimeters from the bottom. It is best to do this under water in a solution. Leave it overnight. All is ready. At first glance, nothing happened. But all the magic will begin in the light of ultraviolet light, the flower will sparkle with new shimmering colors and will delight the eye.
