How To Play The Sick

How To Play The Sick
How To Play The Sick

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In plays, films and role-playing games, a healthy actor often has to play a sick person. Not always and not everyone succeeds in this reliably. Almost all the signs of the disease must be conveyed through behavior on stage or in the game, and the main thing in this case is not to replay.

How to play the sick
How to play the sick

It is necessary

  • - script;
  • - makeup;
  • - medical encyclopedia;
  • - the corresponding props.


Step 1

Read the script. It usually indicates what exactly the character is sick with. When it comes to mental illness, the author usually describes the patient's behavior very accurately. In this case, it is important to follow the author's remarks and not make any additions. Distinguish between sick and imaginary sick. The latter is the grotesque comedic role found in some of the classic plays. In this case, you need to be sick fun.

Step 2

Study the character of the character carefully. Remember that you must create an image of this person in a state of illness, and not an image of the illness itself. Even such a common symptom as a rise in temperature, in different people, outwardly manifests itself in different ways. Some become lethargic and drowsy, while others are agitated by fever. Imagine how your character behaves in different situations when he is healthy.

Step 3

Find a description of the external signs of the disease in a medical encyclopedia or on the Internet. Pay attention to the symptoms and course of the disease. It is possible that at the end of the play your character will not be at all the same as in the first act. Find pictures of people with the condition and study its appearance.

Step 4

Watch a movie, a recording of a performance, in which there is a sick character with the same diagnosis as yours. Pay attention to how he looks, moves and speaks.

Step 5

Apply makeup. If you have to play an innocent victim of a terrible illness or a character that is the source of infection, the make-up should be screaming. Apply under eye circles, ulcers, and other signs that can inspire disgust, pity, and horror. The opposite option is a hypochondriac, an imaginary patient. He should be rosy and full of health with a mournful expression on his face. The pathetic character has a pronounced pallor of the face, pointed features. He may also have a feverish blush, burning eyes. That is, he has the appearance of a person who overcomes ailment with strength of mind. In any case, the makeup must match the symptoms, combined with the character's personality.

Step 6

During roleplaying, it is very important to create a plan for your hero and strictly adhere to it. Screams and plaintive moans are more appropriate for supporting characters or extras. The main character, even during illness, must remain himself. The disease is expressed in posture, speech difficulties, movement patterns. Maintain a sense of proportion. This is especially true for roleplaying a patient with a mental illness. You can not mix the symptoms of different diseases.

Step 7

Rehearse some of the techniques specific to a particular disease in advance. These techniques include, for example, shortness of breath, lameness, or shuffling gait. Make sure that the symptoms do not interfere with the viewer's perception of the script. So, for example, interrupted speech during fever and delirium should remain intelligible and legible.
