How To Arrange An Envelope For A Letter

How To Arrange An Envelope For A Letter
How To Arrange An Envelope For A Letter

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Electronic means of communication make life very comfortable: thanks to them, you can instantly send a message to almost anywhere in the world. But no matter how rapidly they develop, no one has canceled the good old mailing list of letters. The letters, sent in a paper envelope, carry a touch of romance from the nineteenth to twentieth centuries. Mail envelopes are "clothes" for a letter. Whether the letter reaches the addressee depends on the design of the envelope.

How to arrange an envelope for a letter
How to arrange an envelope for a letter


Step 1

When buying an envelope, pay attention to the presence of stamps, it is better if it is already with them.

Step 2

The first line in the upper left corner, beginning with the inscription “from whom”, is intended to indicate the first and last name (if necessary, patronymic) of the sender, or the name of the organization sending the letter.

Step 3

This is followed by the inscription "from where", after which you must sequentially indicate the name of the region (region, republic), district (if there is such a need), settlement (city, village, village, village, etc.), street (avenue), house or building number, sender's apartment number. If the letter is sent within Russia, then the country does not need to be specified.

Step 4

The postal code of the sender is indicated in a rectangular window under the inscription “postal code of the place of departure”, which can be found at the post office at the place of residence of the sender or on the Internet.

Step 5

Next, you should fill in the addressee fields, which is located in the lower right corner. After the inscription "to whom" indicate the surname, name, patronymic of the addressee. If necessary, then his position, the name of the company or organization. For example: Director of LLC "Comfort" Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov.

Step 6

The line with the words "where" contains the full data on the location of the addressee by analogy with paragraph 3 of this manual.

Step 7

The postal code of the addressee shall be entered in the line “postal code of the recipient”. At the bottom left of the envelope there is a special template for filling in the addressee's index. In connection with the return of automatic sorting of letters at the Russian Post, it should be written correctly (usually a sample of writing numbers is indicated on the back of the envelope).

Step 8

After signing the envelope, you should carefully check the correctness of its filling.
