Letter To Santa Claus In Veliky Ustyug

Letter To Santa Claus In Veliky Ustyug
Letter To Santa Claus In Veliky Ustyug

Video: Letter To Santa Claus In Veliky Ustyug

Video: Letter To Santa Claus In Veliky Ustyug
Video: Письмо Деду Морозу в Великий Устюг /Прошу подарок 2024, December

At the end of each year, Santa Claus receives several thousand letters from children. Messages are sent from all over the country. Help your daughter or son write a letter to Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug.

Letter to Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug
Letter to Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug

Not far off everyone's favorite and most important holiday of the year - New Year! Before we even have time to blink an eye, the ground will be covered with a white carpet of snow, people will start running around the shops in search of gifts for their relatives and friends. This means that the holiday is approaching, which everyone is waiting for: adults and children. Especially the kids are waiting for this wonderful holiday, because for them the New Year is an expectation of a miracle, magic.

Every child believes in Santa Claus and expects a special gift from him. Tell your child about the house-residence of Santa Claus and that he receives many letters from children every year and certainly reads them. Engage in an interesting activity with your child - write a letter to Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug, thereby you will find out what gift the baby is dreaming of, teach him to sum up the results for the year, and motivate him to achieve even greater results next year.

The kid will especially like it if the message is written on a colorful letterhead. Letterheads can be printed from the Internet. If this is not possible, you can write on a regular sheet of paper and attach pictures to the letter. Explain that the magical Grandfather is very fond of children's drawings and will certainly be delighted with them.

On the envelope with the letter indicate the address: 162390, Vologda Oblast, Veliky Ustyug, House of Ded Moroz. Go to the post office and drop him into the letter box. The child should be an active participant in the whole process: from choosing a letterhead to sending it. Children are usually delighted with such an exciting activity.

There is a faster, but perhaps less interesting for kids, way of sending correspondence to the fabulous Grandfather. Go to the Santa Claus mail site https://pochta-dm.ru, where there is a special form for sending letters and send him your news. After that, you just have to wait for a response letter, which will be printed on the letterhead and sealed with the seal of the main character of the New Year holidays. Also on the site there is an opportunity to choose various souvenirs and toys from the Great Winter Wizard. Keep in mind that ordering a personalized letter and gifts is a paid service.

A response letter from Santa Claus may not come on New Year's Eve, but a little earlier. In this case, hide the letter from your baby, and on December 31, quietly return it back to the mailbox and find it with the baby. Your child will be delighted with the letter from Santa Claus and will read or ask you to read his personalized message more than once throughout the year. Give your kid moments of happiness - start writing a letter to Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug!
