Drawings on window panes are a good New Year's tradition. Once upon a time, gouache images of bunnies and Snow Maidens adorned apartment windows and shop windows. You can decorate your home with such festive drawings today. Involve children in the creative process and together depict the main character of the holiday - Santa Claus.

It is necessary
- - gouache;
- - stained glass paints;
- - paints for painting on glass;
- - contour markers;
- - stencils;
- - postcards;
- - brushes and sponges;
- - sparkles;
- - artificial snow with spray.
Step 1
Think over the idea of the drawing. Decide where you will place the figure of the fairy-tale grandfather, what will be the background. Choose a color scheme. Blue-blue or red-white painting looks beautiful. For greater decorativeness, it can be supplemented with sparkles or artificial snow.
Step 2
If you are skilled in painting, you can sketch the plot yourself or use an idea from a poster or New Year's card. For those who can't draw, try stenciling. A sample can be found online or purchased from a craft store. Another option is to attach a large finished drawing on the back of the glass, carefully trace the contours, and then paint the resulting figures.
Step 3
Choose paints. For drawing on glass, products are suitable, which can then be washed off without problems with water or a spray for washing windows. Children's stained glass paints, gouache mixed with watercolors or toothpaste, special paints and felt-tip pens for painting on glass look good. Purchase suitable paint brushes or sponges.
Step 4
Sketch out the outlines of the shapes, or outline them using a stencil. First, try a simple composition without unnecessary details. In the center, sketch out the figure of Santa Claus. Nearby, you can depict a snowman, a Christmas tree or forest animals. Do not overload the drawing - two or three characters are enough.
Step 5
Try to draw Santa Claus in an animation style. Draw a rounded cone in the center of the composition, and on top of it two circles - a smaller one on a larger one. The result is a silhouette of a figure in a long fur coat. Draw two ovals on the sides - the future arms. Draw a half-oval beard and a sack behind the back. Draw small details - the face, the edge of the fur coat, mittens.
Step 6
Paint over the details of the drawing with the selected paints. Try to apply them in a dense, even layer without gaps. Dry the drawing and trace its outlines with a thin brush with black gouache or a special felt-tip pen for painting on glass.
Step 7
Enclose the composition in a frame of snowflakes or streaks that imitate frosty patterns. To apply them, cover the glass with large strokes of white paint, and on top, apply strokes with a dry sponge. The finished drawing can be decorated with sparkles or artificial snow from a spray can.