Bowling is a combination of sport, relaxation and fun. This explains its popularity among many millions of inhabitants of the planet. This unique game is distinguished by its simplicity and the absence of restrictions on age and gender.

It is necessary
standard bowling ball with three holes
Step 1
A huge component of bowling success depends on the correct grip on the ball with the brush. It is enough just to remember and assimilate a couple of points of the correct position of the palm and phalanges of the fingers. The easiest and most affordable way to grip is the "traditional" one.
Step 2
Decide on the weight of the ball. To do this, placing it on the hand, stretch your hand forward. If you manage to stand in this position for more than 5 seconds without feeling muscle pain, then the weight is optimal for you.
Step 3
Pick up the ball recommended for you to play. Expand it so that the finger holes touch your palm. Submerge your thumb, middle and ring fingers in them. Hold the ball underneath with your other hand.
Step 4
The middle and ring fingers should be in the ball up to the level of the second phalanx, and the thumb should be completely immersed. Lock them in this position by squeezing the ball tightly. Relax your brush.
Step 5
Grasp the ball lightly with your palm. At the same time, leave your index finger and little finger free to lie on the surface of the ball. Now take a hand position so as not to feel pain and discomfort in your wrist, and enjoy the game!