How To Fish In The Spring

How To Fish In The Spring
How To Fish In The Spring

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Spring fishing attracts fishermen to itself every year - everyone wants to open the spring season, but deciding to fish in the spring, you must take into account a number of features of such fishing. Knowing what a good bite depends on in the spring will help you get a good catch without spending too much energy. In this article, we will tell you what rules should be followed in spring fishing.

How to fish in the spring
How to fish in the spring


Step 1

Keep the bait on the hook as low as possible at the bottom, where there is an influx of fresh water, periodically raising and lowering the line. The more often you move the bait vertically, the more likely the fish will bite. You can catch a pike this way.

Step 2

It is best to fish with a spinning rod on small rivers, which give great advantages in fishing in the spring, since in the spring pikes hunt in shallow waters. In general, in the spring, all fish move to shallow water.

Step 3

Having thrown the fishing line with a spoon, wait a while, and if the fish did not bite from the first or second cast, go to a new place.

Step 4

Don't sit in the same place for too long. Also, do not throw the spoon farther than 25 meters from the shore. Do not use too large live bait in the spring - in March, the pike bites much better on small bait, since it is time for the fish to spawn.

Step 5

Determining the type of bait for each type of fish is not so easy - you can use standard bait for catching pikes, but the bite can be much better if you take care of finding better bait bait by examining the stomach of the caught fish and observing what it eats in the spring.

Step 6

A good type of bait is a live maggot, combined with some other bait (for example, a piece of dough).

Step 7

If you are fishing with a donk, do not tie more than two leads to the line. Most often, one leash is enough - it will not get confused with the rest of the leashes and will give you a decent nibble.

Step 8

When fishing in the spring, follow safety rules - do not sit on wet ground or snow. Take a bedding mat, rug, folding chair with you when fishing, or make a bedding from dry leaves and spruce branches.

Step 9

In the spring, do not go fishing on steep banks - their edges can be washed away by water, and at any moment they can collapse. Always fish while standing on the shore and never fish while standing in the water or in a rocking boat.

Step 10

Since many rivers are still ice-free in early spring, be sure to take an ice ax and a basic first aid kit with you on your fishing trip for colds, cuts or frostbite.
