Paintings by numbers will not only diversify your leisure time, but will also become an original part of your interior. In addition, they develop creativity, are soothing and very addicting.

What is painting by number
Painting by numbers is a painting on canvas. It is usually performed with acrylic paints, suitable for both children and adults. Paintings by numbers are sold in sets that include a stretched canvas, a set of paints and brushes. Some come with hooks, frames and top anchorage varnish. Even a beginner in drawing can paint such a picture. The outline of the future picture is drawn on the canvas in black or gray and divided into sectors depending on the color with which the elements need to be painted. If there are a lot of such segments and they are rather small, it will be more difficult to paint such a picture than with large and few areas.
The paints included in the kit are numbered and placed in small jars. The same numbers are indicated on the segments of the painting. Some manufacturers do not pour acrylic into containers, but sell it in vacuum bags. Before work, you need to pour the paints into jars and number them yourself. This prevents the paint from drying out. Painting brushes by numbers vary in thickness. Usually there are 3 brushes in a set: thin, medium and thick. The larger the segment, the larger the brush you can use.
How to paint a painting by numbers
The kit comes with a quick guide on how to get started. But there are some universal rules that will help you create your little masterpiece. Better to start with background segments. Otherwise, lines that are clearer and more meaningful to the drawing may be blurred. First, look at the sample with the finished drawing to understand which elements will need to be drawn more clearly, and leave them for last.
There are several ways to paint pictures by numbers. In one case, it is more convenient to first paint all areas of the same color, and then take the next one. In another, it is better to move from top to bottom or from left to right in small segments. In the third paintings, it is better to draw from the center to the edges. All of the above methods are correct, you need to choose the one that seems more convenient.
When applying paints, you can use various techniques: even strokes, strokes or blurring the boundaries. Feel free to experiment and try different ways. Moreover, a rough copy on plain paper is attached to the picture by numbers. It will allow you to check which number the area is numbered with, or can be used for training. In some cases, the color needs to be applied in 2-3 coats. This is especially true for light, pale tones, which do not immediately paint over the contour and number on the site.
How to choose a painting by numbers
There are a wide variety of options for ready-made drawings: landscapes, and still lifes, and portraits, and author's images of manufacturers, and reproductions of famous masterpieces. Choose a painting according to your taste and interior. Do not forget to look at the difficulty level of the work, which is always indicated on the set. It is better to focus on it, and not on the appearance of the finished image. A seemingly simple drawing can consist of a huge number of halftones and small details, but a seemingly complex portrait will turn out to be quite easy to execute. The number of paints in the set also plays a role. Simple paintings by numbers include 7 to 20 pigments. If you see that there are, for example, 28 colors in a set, know that you will have to work on it.