Decorating with balloons is relevant for any holiday, not just for a wedding or children's birthday. The numbers made up of balloons look especially advantageous, for example, in honor of the anniversary date. You can create such beauty with your own hands.

It is necessary
Plastic pipe, tape, scissors, balloons
Step 1
In order to make a number out of balls, first of all, you need to make a frame. For this, it is convenient to use ordinary plastic pipes. If there was nothing at hand, except for wire, then it can be used as a frame, but plastic pipes keep their shape much better. Make a frame in the form of the required number. If it is understood that the future figure should stand on the floor, then it is necessary to additionally make a stand-base so that the figure does not fall. For the reliability of the structure, it is necessary to firmly connect the main frame with the stand using adhesive tape.
Step 2
Now you can start inflating the balloons. In order for the balls not to burst longer, they need to be stretched a little. To do this, inflate the balloon, then release some of the air from it, only then carefully tie it. Try to keep balls of approximately the same size, otherwise you may have problems when making the number. After you inflate the required number of balloons, tie them first in pairs, and then connect four pieces at a time. To do this, twist the two pairs together.
Step 3
Most importantly, you need to attach the resulting fours of balls to the frame made in advance. It is better to start doing this from the bottom, paying special attention to hard-to-reach places. First of all, decorate the base of the structure, here you can use single balls, it all depends on the size of your stand. Then you can go to the figure itself. Carefully and evenly wrap the frame with the prepared bundles, four balls each. To prevent the edge of the pipe from damaging your balls, seal it with tape. At the tips of the numbers, it is convenient to use bundles not in four balls, but in five. This will make the design look neater. If suddenly the balls in some places do not want to lie down in the right direction, then you can fix them with double-sided tape.