Where To Learn To Shoot?

Where To Learn To Shoot?
Where To Learn To Shoot?

In the Middle Ages, it was vitally important for self-defense to be able to wield a sword, ax or knife. Today, in the age of firearms, these skills are no longer so relevant. They were replaced by skill in handling small arms.

Where to learn to shoot?
Where to learn to shoot?

Free shooting training

Most of the male youths are subject to conscription. It is there that they will learn how to handle, shoot and care for firearms. The quality of training there can be very different, depending on the types of troops. It is believed that the best shooting training is possessed by the airborne troops and special-purpose units, the worst - by the engineering and construction units and sailors.

Another option is to contact an airsoft club. Most of these organizations have former military or law enforcement officers in their ranks who can give you theoretical and practical knowledge of how to handle weapons. In addition, airsoft players are very seriously engaged in tactics, camouflage and sniping, using its pneumatic counterparts as weapons, which differ little from the prototype.

Despite the shooting "cranberries", airsoft clubs provide a very serious training with weapons, not inferior to the army. In addition, airsoft players often have connections with shooting clubs and conduct their classes there.

The Historical Reenactment Club is suitable for people who want to learn how to shoot a bow or crossbow. These people have been doing this for a long time and have learned many nuances regarding this difficult occupation. In addition, there are clubs of reenactors that recreate the image of soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. They study the regulations, uniforms, weapons and the order of warfare of that time. As a weapon, they use the disabled weapons of their era. These people are usually willing to share knowledge and take newcomers into their ranks.

Paid shooting training

In large cities, there are shooting clubs that train both private security guards and ordinary citizens. They offer a safe gun handling course that includes clay pigeon shooting. In addition, they offer individual and group lessons with instructors in the shooting gallery. These clubs offer a wide variety of weapons to choose from, from pistols to carbines, from civilian self-defense weapons to replica army small arms. One such lesson costs from 3,000 to 8,000 rubles.

For a lower price, you can contact the DOSAAF shooting club of Russia, where you can take a bullet shooting course in a specially equipped shooting range.

Only recently did DOSAAF shooting clubs begin to gradually revive in order to more or less compete with private shooting clubs. In most DOSAAF clubs, the situation is still depressing.

There you can rent a pistol and learn how to shoot yourself. There you can also turn to the services of a paid instructor who will teach you how to shoot. Unlike other shooting clubs, the weapons offered for DOSAAF shooting are rather meager, and its shooting ranges are rarely designed for powerful ammunition.