How To Learn To Shoot A Deagle

How To Learn To Shoot A Deagle
How To Learn To Shoot A Deagle

Table of contents:


The Deagle or Desert Eagle is the most powerful weapon in the Counter Strike game, capable of shooting through a wall at a distance of up to 60 meters with one hit and killing the enemy with a headshot. It is quite difficult to learn how to use this weapon.

How to learn to shoot a deagle
How to learn to shoot a deagle


Step 1

In order for the cartridge fired from the Desert Eagle to reach the desired target, try to shoot not while sitting, but from a standing position, otherwise it will be easy enough to kill you. Also shoot from this weapon, making strafe with pauses, during which a shot at the enemy should occur.

Step 2

Try to take short breaks and strafes. If you used the left strafe, the cartridge in the weapon will lie at an angle of 45 degrees from the upper right side of the scope, the same goes for the reverse situation.

Step 3

If you fire the Desert Eagle while sitting, aim at the enemy's head or neck. Do not use the method when you aim at a certain point and wait for the enemy's head to be in this place. Try to use the Desert Eagle when shooting at close range.

Step 4

When using the Desert Eagle, be sure to move the mouse before firing. This is the most important secret of shooting with this pistol. Since this is one of the most difficult weapons to master, try to practice shooting more offline.

Step 5

Please note that in order to successfully play Counter-Strike online, you need to develop the skills of using different types of weapons in the normal game mode. Also, try to use as little as possible various cheat codes and other tools that give you access to additional features. In this case, skills do not develop, and interest in the game disappears much faster. When using joysticks and other additional game control devices, the shooting technique will be approximately the same as in normal mode. Please note that for this you will need an additional setting in the CS main menu.
