How To Knit A Poncho

How To Knit A Poncho
How To Knit A Poncho

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Traditional Latin American clothing - poncho - does not leave the fashion catwalks. The relevance of the product is explained not only by the stylish ethnic component, but also by its convenience and practicality. The original capes are universal - they can be worn with a skirt and trousers; with boots and elegant shoes; on going out and on daily walks. Knitters are attracted by the simplicity of the cut - it is no coincidence that the name “poncho” (poncho) is translated from the language of one of the Indian tribes as “lazy”.

How to knit a poncho
How to knit a poncho

It is necessary

  • - centimeter;
  • - two straight needles (No. 5 to 15);
  • - thick yarn of several colors;
  • - large button;
  • - hook;
  • - darning needle;
  • - scissors.


Step 1

Initially, the pattern of the "Indian" cape consisted of only one detail - a large rectangle. Now there are many simple and difficult ways to knit a poncho. A beginner needlewoman can be recommended a one-piece cloth with a smell and a fastener. Find out the required width of the product, calculate the density of your knitting and dial the required number of loops on straight knitting needles.

Step 2

Try to make a rectangular cape in a fashionable chunky knit - on needles No. 5-6 to 15. Select the appropriate yarn thickness. The simplicity of the pattern will require you to think over the design of the poncho - the beauty and exclusivity of the product will depend on the color and pattern.

Step 3

With a large knit, you should not make intricate reliefs, otherwise the thing will look rough. It is recommended to choose a garter stitch (in the front and back rows - only front loops); yarn can be used two- or multi-color and sequentially alternate stripes of different colors.

Step 4

Tie a rectangular fabric of the required size and close the loops of the last row. Steam the poncho, dry it and fold it neatly on the table in a corner. Fix the middle with a large decorative button.

Step 5

The accessories can be crocheted with yarn of one of the main colors of the knitted cape. Wrap the thread around your finger and wrap the hook shaft around the resulting ring. Make the first chain stitch, then another stitching loop to ascend to the first circular row.

Step 6

Make 6 single crochets in a circle and tighten the knitted circle by pulling on the free end of the working thread. There should be no noticeable hole in the middle of the round blade.

Step 7

Continue to knit the circular fabric. To do this, at the beginning of each row, make a lifting loop, then knit a pair of the same columns from each column of the lower row at once. Close each circle with a connecting half-column.

Step 8

When the top of the cover is the size of the button, place the top on the wrong side of the fabric and continue tying. On the edge of the hardware, make a circular row without additions.

Step 9

Start tightening the canvas - make uniform decreases: single crochet; skip the next column; another single crochet and further along the pattern, until the button is completely hidden in the cover.

Step 10

Tear off the working thread, leaving a "tail" of about 15 cm. Insert a darning needle into it and tie the button along the perimeter with a neat hand seam "needle forward". Tighten a knot and hide the thread from the wrong side of the cover.

Step 11

Sew on a button on the poncho wrap and decorate the hem of the finished garment with colorful fringes. To do this, mix the remnants of multi-colored working threads and form them into bundles 21 cm long (10 cm on both sides of the decoration and a stock per knot).

Step 12

Crochet the threads along the edges of the fabric and tie the knots. Trim the "Indian" fringe if necessary - and a simple knitted poncho is done.
