Not only professionals want to take good photos, but also those people who like to get likes for great pictures on social networks. Not only future models in special courses can learn to pose correctly. A few simple rules give you the chance to always look like a star in your photos.

Do not stand at attention in front of the lens. It is better to stand half-turned, leaning slightly forward with your shoulder, and resting your hand slightly at the waist. Moreover, it is most beneficial to turn to the camera with the left side - for most people this angle evokes a positive response. If it is uncomfortable to put your hands on your belt, be sure to find a pose for them, do not throw limply along the body. Take a beautiful mug, book in your palms, hold the purse hanging on your shoulder.
Work on your facial expression. If your gaze is in the frame, try to look just above the lens. If you want to portray thoughtfulness or daydreaming in the photo, it is better to look away, but be sure to look at some object. Otherwise, the gaze will become empty and defocused. A simple technique will help to add warmth and warmth: in the place of the camera you need to imagine the face of a close and dear person. So the smile will cease to be mechanical.
When shooting outdoors, use the mode light. Take pictures at dawn or when the sun is leaning towards the horizon. A cloudy but not overcast day is good for correct even lighting. In these cases, you do not have to squint, and then worry about the harsh black shadows on the face, which will reveal the slightest wrinkles.