Usually candles in houses are lit either during a power outage, or on the occasion of some kind of celebration. For everyday life, ordinary simple candles will do, but for a holiday you need something special. Alas, decorative candles are quite expensive. But with a certain amount of imagination and a minimum of effort, you can decorate the candle yourself.

Step 1
So, we have a tall, medium diameter wax candle. The easiest way to decorate it is to use self-adhesive pictures (sold at any newsstand or handicraft store). Pictures can be selected based on the theme of the holiday. For the evening of graduates, for example, golden stars will come up, and for Valentine's Day - cupids, hearts and the like.
Step 2
Another way to decorate a candle is also pretty simple. It is enough just to wrap it with a ribbon of serpentine, and tie the ends to a bow. Candles decorated with gold and silver streamers look amazing on the New Year's table, surrounded by fir paws, gilded cones and glass balls.
Step 3
Another method of decorating candles will require some skill from the decorator. You need to take a piece of thick paper and cut a circle out of it. In the middle of the circle, a hole should be made equal to the diameter of the candle. Next, artificial flowers, greenery, and other decorative elements are glued to the paper circle.
After the glue that attaches the decorative elements to the paper dries, you can put the candle in the candlestick by putting a decorated paper circle on its base.
Step 4
A small flat basket made of vine, a delicate ribbon with a floral pattern will serve as a great decoration for a candle. You just need to put a candle in a basket and tie a beautiful bow on its base. If you wish, you can add artificial greenery and flowers to the composition by placing them around the candle.
Step 5
Decorations of amazing beauty are obtained from floating candles. One has only to pour water into a crystal vase-basket, let a few pink inflorescences and a couple of lighted special candles float into it. Extravaganza of crystal reflections, delicate flowers, the purest water and the golden flame of a candle - this composition will not be equal.