Crafts from cones, both simple and uncomplicated, and original can be done with children. Finding such waste material is not at all difficult, and the end result can be suitable not only for games, but also for gifts to relatives.

Simple owl made of cones
Roll two identical balls from colored plasticine, and then crush them into round pancakes of the same size. These will be the eyes for your owl. Attach them to the spruce cone so that they are almost flush against each other. Make two sticks of plasticine of a different color and glue them vertically in the middle of the pancakes. These are the pupils.
Use your fingers to roll two round ears for the craft and two teardrop-shaped wings. Make the beak a triangle and attach it immediately near the eyes. Form two paws with a special knife, cutting each plasticine cake into three parts and sharpening the tips with your fingers so that they look like claws.
Another version of a simple owl can be made from two cones. A small bump will be the head of an owl, and a larger one will be the body. Cut the ears, wings and beak of an owl out of thick paper and put on a bump, smearing them with a drop of glue. Sculpt paws from plasticine.
Fasten the two bumps together.
Various details for an owl can be cut not only from paper, but also from pieces of felt.
Fluffy owl
To make a fluffy owl, pick up the cones that have the most open scales. Divide the cotton into separate small pieces. Spread the inner parts of the cone with a brush with PVA glue and fill them with cotton wool. Do not hammer it tightly. You can separately fill with cotton wool only those parts where the breast and head of the owl are located.
For the second fluffy owl, you will need a feather boa. Wrap a large open cone completely around the boa, plugging it tightly into the gaps that form the scales.
Owls will look even more interesting if you paint the cones with acrylic paint or gouache before starting work.
Cut two circles out of a piece of cardboard. Draw the pupils for the bird on them with black paint. Glue the resulting eyes to fluffy blanks. To make eyes for an owl, you can use acorn caps. Draw pupils on their convex side and attach to the bird.
Ready-made plastic eyes with moving pupils can be purchased at craft stores.
Cut the owl's beak out of a piece of cardboard. Paint the resulting triangle with dark brown paint and bend it up. Glue the beak with clear glue.
Improvise with decorating your craft. You can make a headdress for an owl. Cut a circle out of felt so that it is slightly larger in diameter than the acorn head. It needs to be painted with acrylic paint to match the felt color. Glue a circle lightly to the side of the owl's head, and place an acorn piece in the center. Your craft now has a flirty hat.